A Night to Remember

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Blake looked stunning to say the least. She had on a beautiful navy colored dress with, an always cute, teal bow on her head covering up her equally adorable kitty ears that you absolutely loved. She had on a massive blush from the sight of you handing her an entire brocade of night lilies, all, in her opinion, beautiful and stunning. An accurate representation of your love for her, her thoughts and opinions.

You both gave off an awkward look to your faces as you knew what had come over you both, pure love for one another. It was basically planted all over your faces as the blush spread across, and the oohs you got from both Yang and Ruby. The two of you glanced away from each other, smiling blushing. Before any of you could say a thing to the other, Yang got behind Blake and pushed her into you, making her stumble forward, landing onto your chest. Yang broke out into a fit of laughter as did Ruby.

Yang: See Blake? You really did FALL for him!

Blake and (Y/N): YANG!

Yang: Alright, alright. Well, I gotta get going. Don't want to keep Weiss on the guest list and not have fun with her man.

Yang took off as did Ruby. You and Blake got situated and once again glanced away and looked at each other. It was too awkward to even comment on.

Blake: I uh, I like the flowers. Where did you even find them?

(Y/N): Uh, oh, ah, yeah. Just from a flower shop off the coast of Vale. Maybe we could go there some time? Spend some time with my cute little "kitty witty".

Blake: (Giggles) I guess this kitty witty could have some fun. Any nice cafes?

(Y/N): The best. (You push some of her hair behind her ear) Only for you.

Blake: (Giggles) Yeah. We should get going.

(Y/N): We could. Or we could maybe go out and get some food?

Blake: Really? Because the dance just started.

(Y/N): But it does last until midnight. We got four hours.

Blake: Alright. So, where do you want to go?

(Y/N): I have the perfect place. Shall we?

You offered out a hand to Blake. After a large blush appeared on her face, she smiled to herself and took it, letting you guide her to wherever it was that you two were going. After a lovely car ride throughout Vale and seeing all the lights and evening decor of the city without having the entire thing blow up in your face was relatively nice and soothing.

You pulled into a parking space and you both got out. Blake looked up at the sign, labeling the establishment and just laughed.

Blake: Would've thought you pick a place much more formal.

(Y/N): Yeah, but I did say this was meant to be a nice relaxing break away from the struggles of Remnant. Not a high class date. That and also I could really afford much else.

Blake laughed and you just smiled.

Blake: At least it wont take long for us to order.

The two of you walked into the restaurant...Tuna N' Subs. No introduction was truly necessary for the place. You had sat down at the usual spot, ordered and began to eat. The two of you agreed that it was best not to treat this like a night of formalities and just be a night of yourselves. By that you meant eating tuna sandwiches and making jokes about people while preparing to attend a formal dance. And you both loved it.

After the meal was over with, the two of you paid and left towards Beacon for the dance. It was around 9:30 by the time you guys got back. From there, the two of you walked, arms locked towards the ballroom to attend the dance.

Blake: Just to let you know, you weren't the only one to convinced me to come.

(Y/N): Oh. And who was the other?

Blake: Yang. So...my first dance is spoken for.

And indeed it was. You stood along the "sidelines" as you watched Yang and Blake share a lovely dance with one another. You yourself were a bit nervous as you never danced in such a formal fashion with anyone before. Soon enough, you were joined by Ruby, Weiss and Silver.

Weiss: Mission accomplished.

Ruby: So, what do we do now?

Yang: Just have fun.

You looked back and saw Yang walk towards you all. She gestured towards Blake as she was standing there, looking at you with a little wave as well. You sighed and walked up to Blake and she took her hand and grabbed yours. You placed you hands on her hip and shoulder as she did the same for you. She smiled at you and placed her her hand on your shoulder to let you lead. As you two progress, you was careful not to hit anyone by accident nor step onto her feet.

Blake: For a man who claims can't dance, you sure know how to.

(Y/N): R-Really?

Blake: Now who's the nervous one?

You looked at Blake with a shocked expression which slowly morphed into a smirk as you and her locked eyes with one another once again. The music shifted to that of a slow dance music as the lights began to dim for a slow dance. You and Blake looked at one another once again and shifted your eyes around, trying to avoid the gaze of the other as large blushes appeared on your faces.

However, your bodies shifted to the music and began to slow down as you both returned your eyes to the other, looking directly in each other's face. As the music continued to make you both move, the more and more your faces leaned into one another. Before another act could be taken, you decided to break the tension.

(Y/N): See? Not to bad?

Blake: Are you talking to me or yourself? Because either way, I would have to agree with you on that note.

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Thanks. And it was to both of us. Alright mainly to me.

Blake giggled to herself as you both locked eyes once again. Once that occurred, the two of you just stopped and continued to look at one another. You couldn't help but admire the light shinning off her ebony hair as it reflected across the entire room like a strobe light.

(Y/N): Blake...I love you. So much.

Blake: (Y/N)...I love you too. More than you realize.

(Y/N): So...want to do the cliche thing?

Blake: Wouldn't mind it.

You smirked and leaned down towards Blake. Blake leaned up to you and the two of you locked lips in a passionate and lovable kiss. The kiss was beautiful, full of fiery passion and care for one another as your lips dominated one another. You even had the balls to add in tongue for the first time ever to someone. Blake openly took it and allowed your tongue into her mouth.

After around a minute into the kiss, the need for air dominated your judgement and the two of you broke the kiss. The two of you looked back into each other's eyes and just smiled at one another.

Blake: I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Blake. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now