The Beacon Dance

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A week has passed since the night you and your friends decided to raid the White Fang and investigate the actions of Roman Torchwick. Since then things had been pretty smooth. Blake, you and Gure had alerted General Ironwood about the White Fang faction rally and his troops had toppled the entire inner city stance of the organization. From there, the dust settled, Roman was still on the run, which your father took primary concern over, hunting him down. However, that was no where near good enough for Blake.

Your girlfriend went basaltic pretty much. She got almost no sleep, no rest, grades slipped from her fingertips. It was almost like Blake was a completely different person than you had dated. In all honesty, you were worried about her more than usual. You would take quick action by trying to calm her down same with her teammates but to no avail. That's when you heard of Beacon's very own, school dance. You had decided that it could prove to be a nice relaxing evening for you and Blake that could help her slow down and just enjoy one another.

After witnessing a "thrilling" fight between Pyrrha and a transfer student, Mercury, the bell rung and you bolted towards the tree. The tree was a sight within Beacon gardens that you and Blake had adopted as your own space. The two of you were always seen there after school, either sitting, reading, talking or doing whatever interested the two of you at that time. Your personal favorite thing to do was to climb the tree and sit up there with Blake and admittedly make out or just talk about private issues. It was normally the latter.

You were sitting on one of the bottom branches as you waited for Blake to arrive. A couple of minutes later, the Faunus arrived and sat below the tree in the shade. As she did, you began to rustle the branches and leaves to try to get her attention. You saw her bow twitch which meant she heard you. However, she did not turn her head up. You continued to shake the tree until finally, Blake looked up.

Blake: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey, Kitten. What's up?

Blake: (Rolling her eyes) Leave the puns to Yang. (She stands up) What are you doing up there?

(Y/N): I wanted to see you. Mind if you come on up?

Blake rolled her eyes again and leapt up to the tree branch. When she landed, she stumbled a bit, her tiredness clearly showing. You guided her down but she slapped your hand off of her and sat down, leaning against the trunk of the tree.

(Y/N): So...I was wondering...there's this dance coming up, and I was wondering if maybe you and I could go together? Since you know...yeah.

Blake: Really?

(Y/N): What? I want to give you a good evening because you and I are boyfriend, girlfriend.

Blake: (Y/N), I understand, but I need to do this! Torchwick and the White Fang are still out there!

(Y/N): So what?

Blake: So what? So WHAT?! They're out there trying to kill us! Trying to destroy everything on this planet! We need to stop them!

(Y/N): And we will. Just, please. I want to have you slow down.

Blake: We-

(Y/N): Don't have the luxury, I get it. But please...just this one night.

You and Blake just remain silent. She glances around, you assumed she was looking for an answer. She took a deep breath and looked back at you.

Blake: (Y/N), why did you become a huntsman?

(Y/N): What?

Blake: You heard me! Why?!

(Y/N): Because...I wanted an adventure. I wanted to get away from it all. My parents. My struggles. I hated it! There was almost nothing worth it at my home, so I bailed. My idea was that if I could fight, then I could survive. I went to Beacon because...because of you. You found me in the wilderness and I just tagged along. So I guess, you are why I became a huntsman.

Blake just stayed silent. You shifted yourself over and wrapped your arm around Blake. In turn, your girlfriend moved her head and rested it against your chest.

(Y/N): I want to take these guys down just as much as you. But we can't over work ourselves. We need energy, relaxation, time. So...let me ask you again. (You get off of Blake and take her chin to look at you) Will you, Blake Belladonna, like to accompany me to Beacon Dance next weekend?

Blake looked back at you, some tears in her eyes. You reach up and whip some of the tears away. Before you can take your hand away, Blake grabbed it with her own hands and just keeps it in touch. She looks up to you and you just give her a smile, the warmest you can possibly muster up. Blake leaned in and hugged you, wrapping her arms around your neck. You place your arms around Blake and hug her back.

Blake: I didn't know...

(Y/N): Well. You know now. So...I'll ask again. You wanna go to the dance with me?

Blake: (sighs) I'll go with you. But just this-

You slammed your lips onto Blake's and gave her one of the largest kisses you have ever given her. You removed your lips from hers and gave her a large grin. She looks back at you and smiles as well.

(Y/N): Want me to carry you back? You seem to be pretty tired.

Blake glares at you. She then rolled her eyes and leaned into you. You smirked and wrapped your arms around her and leapt off the tree branch. You then proceeded to carry Blake bridal style back to her dorm room. After that whole little ordeal of convincing Blake to go out, you had to get prepared for the new adventure. Your first ever school dance.

Needless to say, you had never gone to a school dance before, let alone had a girlfriend before. You informed your teammates about the endeavor and they all agreed to help out. Silver had taken you suit shopping as Gure helped you with how to act as did Burly. You seemed more than prepared for your date night. As the week went on, more and more people were asked and got asked.

Weiss ended up getting asked by Silver, big shocker there. Ren and Nora went together, Jaune and Pyrrha. Burly decided to fly solo as did Gure, Yang and Ruby. Finally, the night of the dance had arrived. Silver left relatively early compared to the rest of you so that he didn't keep Weiss waiting. Next Burly and Gure left, the latter stating he was going to see if he couldn't "pick-up any chicks".

You took a deep breath and sighed to yourself. You tightened your tie and took off towards Blake's dorm room. You knocked on the door and held out the small brocade of night lilies you had bought for Blake. The door opened and there she stood, wearing a navy dress with a teal bow on. Extra makeup was one her face for the occasion as you presented the flowers to her.

Blake: (Y/N)...

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into my HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora