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The next few days had gone off without a hitch. The twelve friends have had several dinners, lunches, games, nights of parties, just basic teenage stuff while on summer break. The final day before you all had to return was a day in which Obstinatus was to be celebrating the Vytal Festival. The day was planned out with parties, dances and a firework show very late into the evening. Everyone was hyped up and excited for the events throughout the day. It had been years since you even seen a firework so you were just as excited as Ruby or Yang was.

You and your teammates were already excited, exploring the island some more to get a feel for the area and the sights around the island. Rose Rock, Crab Mountain, Steel Port and Treasure Cove, all major tourist centers for the island. You had taken pictures and sketches of the areas you had conjured up for both your own purpose and for Blake so she could see the sights as well. After a couple of hours of surveying the island, you and your teammates return to your room and go your separate ways.

Silver went around with some other sites with Weiss. Gure and Burly went with Ruby, Yang and JNPR to the arcade while you just crashed in your room. As you were relaxing in your room, you heard the door open up and someone step inside. You just assumed it was a teammate coming back either for you or for another reason. You heard your door open up and felt added weight on your mattress.

Before you could open your eyes, you heard a familiar purr as the figure cuddled up next to you. You smiled as you knew who it was.

(Y/N): You like sneaking into boy's rooms to cuddle up with them?

Blake: On a few occasion when they let me.

(Y/N): So, how many does that make?

Blake: 1.

(Y/N): Thanks, I guess.

Blake: Yeah, Yeah. Any plans for today?

(Y/N): Was just gonna chill out here today. Check out the fireworks later today. You want to do anything today?

Blake: I was thinking about joining Ruby and Yang down at the arcade. Spend some time down there before the fireworks.

(Y/N): Mind if I tag along. I've got nothing else going on.

Blake: Sure. I don't see why not.

You smiled and the two of you went down to the arcade center in the resort. The two of you walked inside and linked up with your friends. You played in a match of pinball against Jaune and somehow lost. In fact, everyone lost to him. Cheater probably. Nora went crazy on the whack-a-moles game, wining more than enough tickets for herself and Ren.

Jaune and Pyrrha went around and played air-hockey with one another, and again, Jaune won somehow. Ruby and Yang were playing ski-ball and some random video games here and there. You and Blake just roamed around the place looking for something to do. After a little bit, the two of you stopped at an old video game that you used to have in your home and just started to play round after round.

The game was a multi-player platformer which allowed for you and Blake to play. However, Blake was no expert of the game and wasted a majority of her lives trying to distinguish if she was the green character or the red one. It was pretty funny seeing her freak out a bit and get really angry at you for making fun of her. The two of you were able to make it to level 7 of 10. Not bad, but you were able to beat the game a lot in your youth.

As you two were walking around the arcade, Blake spotted something that seemed to earn her attention and subsequently, yours. You followed Blake and the two of you stopped at an old claw machine.

(Y/N): See something you like?

Blake: Nothing of note?

(Y/N): You seemed to be eyeing down that cat plushie.

Blake: Maybe.

You smirk and walk up to the machine. You insert a small amount of Lien and began to play the game.

Blake: (Y/N), you don't have to do this!

(Y/N): I know. But I still should.

Blake: And why is that?

(Y/N): We've been dating for almost 2 months and I just thought I get you something nice.

Blake: You are aware that not many people win these things.

(Y/N): I know But since when am I most people.

You begin to play the game, quickly lining up the claw with the prize. You then snapped your fingers and a small spark of electricity coursed from their tips. You smirked as your hand made contact with the machine and you activated your semblance. You began to control the claw with your mind, having it knock away two other stuffed animals, shocking Blake in the process.

You had the claw grab the cat plushie and brought it to the dispenser. You grabbed it and gave it to Blake.

(Y/N): I believe this is yours, Kitten.

Blake: How...How did you do that???

(Y/N): Semblance. I can control machine's. Not polarity. But Cyberkinesis.

Blake: That is...impressive.

(Y/N): So, again, this is yours.

Blake took the plushie into her hands and cuddled up to it. You laughed to yourself and wrapped your arm around Blake and pecked her forehead. After that little endeavor, you both linked up with the rest of the group. From there, the twelve of you returned to your rooms, gathered up some towels and walked down to the beach.

You had placed out your towels and sat down with some snacks and prepared to watch the fireworks. You took out you sketchpad and began to draw up the scenery of the sea, beach and everything surrounding it. However, as the night progressed, your vision began to loosen. You began to get more annoyed until you saw a massive light next to you.

You turned your head and saw Blake sitting next to you with a candle providing you light for your sketch. She smiled at you and you smiled back. As you were sketching, you heard a squeeze go off which startled you a bit. You turned around and saw Blake with the cat plushie, smiling like an actual cat as she giggled to herself.

You laughed along side her as you sat down and resumed your sketch. Finally, the fireworks began after the sun went down and you began to draw them into your sketch the best you could. However, as the fireworks kept going off, Blake took your sketchpad and laid it down next to herself as she moved to sit next to you.

She looked up at you and gave off her signature cat smile. You couldn't help but smile and laugh at the sight. You wrapped your arm around Blake and brought her closer to you. She rested her head on your shoulder as the two of you begin to watch the fireworks exploded across the darkened night sky.

After a hour of display, the fireworks ceased and you all got up and left. You and Blake gave one last goodbye hug and kiss to each other before you both left for your own rooms. Before you could crash in your bed, your scroll rang. It was your father.

(Y/N): Hello.

Father: (Y/N)! Get back here, now!!!

(Y/N): Whoa, whoa! Dad, what's up?!

Father: (Y/N)...Vale Central has just been attacked.

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now