Kitty Witty

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It had been about a month since Roman Torchwick's attempted robbery of Schnee Dust. In addition to that night, you reunited with your father who returned to Vale, renting a small apartment in downtown Vale near the industrial district to try to track down Roman. But that didn't mater right now. Right now you were spending time with the greatest thing that happened during that night. You were spending time with Blake Belladonna, your girlfriend.

You and Blake got together the day she woke up from being unconscious due to Roman. Regardless, the two of you hard pretty much fallen for one another. The two of you would spend some afternoons with one another, enjoying the presence of each other as you just did stuff. Study, draw, write, cuddle, just...hang out.

Currently, you were speed drawing Blake as the two of you were in your dorm. The reason behind the need to speed draw was the fact that Blake was curled up like an actual cat, purring also like a cat. You thought it was adorable and just had to capture it. As you were drawing, Blake shifted a bit and moved her hands and began to rest on your leg. You laughed to yourself as Blake began to rub her face against your chest in her sleep, cuddling up to it.

(Y/N): Even in your sleep, you still find a way to me.

Blake proceed closer towards your body, rubbing her head against your body once again. As she kept rubbing her head up against your abdomen, you quickly realized that she wasn't even sleeping at all.

(Y/N): You're not even sleeping at all, are you?

Blake purrs and continues rubbing up against you. You chuckle to yourself and began to scratch behind her cat ears, rubbing her bow against it. She eventually began to stir awake, and shifted her eyes open and looked up at you.

Blake: Did you have to wake me?

(Y/N): Says the girl basically rubbing her face on my body and purring like the cute little kitty witty you are.

Blake: You know I hate it when you call me that!

(Y/N): Do you really hate it?

Blake: Shut up!

You laugh and wrap your arms around Blake and brought her close into your touch. The Faunus simply accepted the position and and cuddled up closer to you. She leaned up and kissed your cheek and you cuddled up closer to her.

(Y/N): Now, back to where you were. I want to finish that sketch.

Blake: Alright. But after this, lunch? You buy?

(Y/N): Works for me. Now, back to that sketch pose.

Blake giggled and rolled her eyes. She returned back to your bed and curled back up into a ball and went back to sleep. You smiled as you quickly continued to draw up Blake from where you left off from. As you were drawing Blake, you could tell she feel back asleep giving you all the time you needed to complete the sketch. Once it was finally done. you decided a meal could wait.

You leaned down towards Blake and began to cuddle up next to her. You wrapped an arm around Blake and brought her closer to you. You took a deep breath and sighed in contempt as you cuddled closer to her. However, as she was close, she began to stir up and shifted her body in her sleep. You just assumed she was still a bit uncomfortable with you two lying down and resting with one another, since it has only been a month into your relationship. You assumed.

Blake: So...are going out for lunch or no?

(Y/N): Do we have to?

Blake: Well, you did draw me without permission.

(Y/N): But I am dating you.

Blake: Is that really the best excuse you can come up with?

(Y/N): ...yes.

Blake giggled and moved her head and cuddled next to you.

Blake: I want lunch.

(Y/N): Alright. Don't have to become Weiss to get lunch out of me.

Blake gave you a pouty, ticked off kind of face. You laughed and squashed her cheeks together, causing the two of you to laugh.

(Y/N): There's my little kitty witty.

Blake once again gave you a pouty face, which you returned with a smile. Blake rolled her eyes and pounced at you. She tackled you off the bed and landed on top of you while on the ground. Blake began to wave her hands like a cat clawing at something. You blocked the whacks as the two of you just began laughing with one another.

(Y/N): There's the kitty cat.

Blake: Yeah, because you apparently like that more.

(Y/N): Ok. Let's not go there.

You and Blake locked eyes for a few seconds, each with a face of concern and some anger. However, that quickly started to fade away as Blake began to grow a smile on her face. You grew a smirk as you both knew where this would lead to. Blake leaned down and you wrapped a hand to the back of Blake's head.

The two of you engaged in passionate lip-lock, letting absolute passion take over you, not even for a moment thinking about the outside world. The two of you finally disengaged from your passionate kiss only when the need for air became to great for you both. Blake pulled back and you both once again locked eyes with one another.

(Y/N): I love you.

Blake: I love you too.

Suddenly, Blake's stomach growled. You both laughed as a thought came to your mind for the day.

(Y/N): Tuna N' Subs?

Blake: Sure.

With that, the two of you took off towards the shore line of Vale. There was small restaurant along the boardwalk call "Tuna N' Subs". Since you and Blake began dating, it became a usual date site for the two of you. The food was pretty good for your tastes, and Blake absolutely freaked out over the tuna there. Just watching her eat it for the first time was like watching her fall in love all over again.

The two of you ordered your usual, and began to have a lovely afternoon. The food today wasn't anything seriously special, but you and Blake enjoyed each other and the attention you gave to one another. Once the meal was done, the two of you began a leisurely stroll throw downtown Vale. The two of you never really got a chance to explore the city which was something you both had plan to do for awhile now.

As you were walking, the two of you encountered a nice book store, Tuskon's Book Trade. After walking inside, the two of you browsed around for a bit before Blake began having a conversation with the owner. As you were browsing, you found the next entry to a series of books Blake loves...other than "Ninjas of Love".

Tower of Margoth. A fantasy series that Blake had been in love with since she was 9. It was the 8th book and you knew you just had to get it for her. It all came down on how to get it out without her noticing it. You then had a thought, one that you personally didn't fully agree with. Theft. It was a horrible idea, but you just wanted something for Blake. Besides, all major book stores around the globe have this book so it wasn't anything special.

You glanced back at the two having the conversation and returned your gaze to the book. In a quick swoop, you took the book into your jacket and dropped about 10 Lien over the price on a nearby employee's counter.

Blake: See anything you like?

(Y/N): Not really. I'm the artist, your the reader.

Blake: Yeah. Good point. Sketch pad?

(Y/N): I'm good. Got some back at home.

Blake: Alright. Ready to go?

(Y/N): Yeah.

The two of you waved bye and walked out of the store. As you were walking back, you both heard an explosion go off nearby and turned around to see the smoke rise.

Blake: No more than a few blocks from here!

(Y/N): Let's go!

The two of you took off to face the new threat. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now