(8) First visit to ZG

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Please read the Author's Note thoroughly at the bottom of this chapter. Thank you!

I opened my eyes to a barrage of colours. My eyes weren't sure what to look at. Greens, blues, pinks... all of it. My audio processors clicked and beeped as they became familiar with the bird's chirping. My next objective was to find Amanda - basically my self-consciousness - and report to her for my mission.

I scanned the zen garden for her and began to walk forward. Doves flew around me as I walked down the path, my jacket blowing in the wind. I followed the path as I continued to look around. A small part of me thought this place wasn't real. That I was in some sort of android heaven.

I walked past a bridge as I noticed a hand print on a stone. I investigated it and hovered my hand over it. I retracted my skin and it began to glow. It made a high pitched noise and I backed away, my LED flashing red as my mouth went agape. Clearly, this would prove useful in the future, but not now.

What did that do?

I walked slowly away from it and more doves flew away. I walked across a bright white bridge and continued admiring the scenery. This place really was beautiful. I walked towards the center of the garden, trying not to concentrate on the handprinted stone from earlier. I noticed a fence with roses growing on it as I trotted towards the island in the middle of the lake. there stood a female figure watering said roses.

I approached the woman and she turned to look at me. Her hair was put into a sort of dreadlocks and put to the side. She looked pretty, don't get me wrong, but at the same time, did it really have to be dreadlocks?

"Hello, Amanda." I said, smiling. She smiled back.

"(Y/N)." She said, holding a rose in her hand. "It's good to see you."

"I would say the same." 

"I have to congratulate you on your mission." She turned back around to continue planting and fixing the roses.

"Finding that deviant was far from easy, and the way you interrogated it was very... clever." She smelled a rose in an almost... disturbing... manner. I was disturbed by it, at least.

"You've been remarkably efficient, (Y/N)." She turned to look at me. I nodded my head in respondance.

"I'd like to think of it that way." I smiled, putting my hands behind my back.

"We've asked the DPD to send the android to us for further study. It may teach us something about what happened." The smile on my face faltered as she became more serious about the matter.

"The interrogation seemed... Challenging." She tried to find the right words to use as I stood behind her, waiting for her next move.

"What did you think of the deviant?" She asked, still cutting and placing roses.

"It seemed to have signs of PTSD after being abused by its owner." I replied as Amanda watered the roses with a spray bottle.

"It was as if... the android's original program had been replaced with new instructions." I squinted as I tried to explain my thoughts. Amanda nodded to herself with the information.

"This... Connor Anderson has been officially assigned to the deviant case, along with his father, Hank. What do you make of the two?" I felt as if I was being surveyed by a Chloe android...

"I think Hank is definitely socially challenged. He's certainly been traumatized in the past, and he does have a fixated hate for androids. Connor, on the other hand, is much easier to work with. I'm sure he even has an android of his own." I fiddled with the ends of my jacket sleeves as I processed the information I had just spoken.

"We have no choice but to work with the two. Don't let them get in your way if you can't help it. What do you think is the best approach?" She turned to face me as she spoke. My arms were now resting by my sides.

"I feel that becoming more close to the two will help ease the situation and cause fewer problems. If the two are hard to work with, that could cause major roadblocks for investigations." I explained, which was the honest truth... with a tiny little detail snipped out like a rose from the fenced wall.

"More and more androids are showing signs of deviancy." Amanda turned completely around as she placed her gardening tools down on the table next to her. "There are millions in circulation. If they become unstable, the results will be disastrous." She spoke.

"You're the most advanced prototype Cyberlife has ever created, (Y/N). If anyone can figure out what's happening, it'd be you." I furrowed my eyebrows as Amanda walked up to me.

"You can count on me, Amanda." I nodded lightly at her.

Amanda walked away from me and my gaze followed her. She stopped walking and turned around once more.

"Hurry, (Y/N). There's not much time." She began walking away again, leaving me on the white, supposedly marble island. I processed everything that had just happened. 

Amanda was surely going to be an interesting character to interact with.



I'm currently working on chapter 10, which was originally chapter 9, but then I forgot Amanda existed.

Now, before you guys get mad, I'm adding her for the sake of the story. Amanda's not gonna take control of you and change your mind about anything. She's pretty much crucial for the story, though, so she's just gonna kinda hang out in the corner and be one of the most hated characters ever, right next to that one guy that ordered food from the food truck in that one scene of the game.

I'm hoping that Amanda will add another layer to this story, and I hope I'm gonna be able to add details from your conversations outside of the zen garden scenes. Each time (Y/N) travels to the zen garden, I'll make it a separate chapter so that if you really hate Amanda that much, you can skip the chapters.

Not this one, though. This one's got an important message, lmao.

ZG means Zen Garden, btw

Thank you guys so much for reading my bookkkk

Till next time,


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