(11) Chicken Feed

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Hank parked across from a place named 'Chicken Feed'. I assumed it was a restaurant.

"Look, can you please stay here this time?" He asked me, pointing a finger in my direction. I was seated next to Connor in the back seat. I didn't respond.

"God damnit..." Hank grumbled as he got out of the car. Connor looked at me. We had stayed in the car for a little while before Connor spoke up.

"You know, I'm kind of hungry... I might as well go up there and order something..." He mumbled.

"You wanna join me?" He asked as I nodded.

I got out of the car just as Connor did. As soon as I got out, I heard a conversation between Hank and another man.

"Hey, listen, I got a shit-hot tip for you." I listened in as Connor and I walked across the street.

"Number five in the third, lickety-split!" I noticed the man speaking was leaning against the truck, first in line. His name was Pedro, from what I could gather. He was also involved in illegal gambling.

That couldn't have been good.

"That filly's one hell of a chaser." He continued talking as I walked up behind Hank. Connor silently followed from behind.

"You wanna flutter?" He finished, making Hank scoff. (He sure does scoff a lot, rA9... I need a new word.)

"The last 'shit-hot tip' you gave me set me back a week's wages, Pedro..." Hank said, his voice deep with denial. Pedro set his head back, as if to laugh.

"Come on, this one's different.  It's 100% guaranteed, bro. You can't go wrong." He back-handed Hank's shoulder lightly in a playful motion. Neither of them had noticed Connor and I were here, despite the fact that Pedro was facing towards us. He must've thought we weren't in the same group as Hank.

"Yeah, right..." Hank muttered, as I noticed a man behind the counter. I scanned him for a name, and I came up with Kayes, Gary. He was the owner of the food truck. Hank laughed for a moment before making a decision.

"Alright, I'm in." He said, pulling out some money from his jacket and giving it to Pedro.

"Damn straight!" Pedro took the money and laughed. He began walking away as Hank looked at him.

"Hey! You won't regret this!" He continued to walk as Connor and I looked at Hank. He had finally noticed we were there and and turned back around to wait for his food. I walked up next to him.

"What is your problem?" He mumbled to me as Connor looked at the menu.

"Don't you ever do as you're told?" Connor glanced at the two of us.

"Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle!" Hank raised his voice a little before looking back at Kayes.

I thought about saying something, but I didn't want to bother Hank anymore than I already had, so I let it be. Soon, Kayes walked up with a burger and soda.

"Here ya go." He said, putting the food in front of Hank on the truck counter.

"Ah, thanks Gary, I'm starving." Hank replied. Connor looked up to order as Hank walked away. As soon as he did, Kayes looked at me and called for Hank.

"Hey, don't leave that thing here." He said, making Connor look at me. I looked away from the three as Hank chuckled.

"Hah, not a chance. Follows me everywhere." Hank turned slightly to speak before walking to a table. I debated staying with Connor or going with Hank.

Since my presence obviously bothered Kayes, I decided to go with Hank, leaving Connor to order his food.

"See? Like I said..." Hank mumbled as he stood at the table. I walked to the side opposite of him, leaning on the table almost human-like. I started thinking about things to say, and thought about Pedro.

"I... don't want to alarm you, Lieutenant, but I think your friends are engaged in illegal activities." I spoke softly.

"Hey, everybody does what they have to do in order to get by. As long as they're not hurting anybody, I don't bother 'em." Hank took a bite out of his burger. I looked down at the table.

"Do you eat here often?" Hank laughed.

"Most days. Gary makes the best burger in all of Detroit." He took a sip of his soda. I tried my best not to comment on the food's cholesterol as Connor walked up to us.

"Gosh, I couldn't find anything really to order except the sourdough. It's the only thing I liked." He complained to Hank. Hank leaned over and mumbled something to me.

"Watch out, my boy's a picky eater. Never take him out to eat, he'll take an hour to order." He joked, loud enough for Connor to hear.

"Dad! It's not like that! It's just, the world seems to love tomatoes when I don't!" Hank laughed.

"You can take that shit off, you know." Connor crossed his arms and mumbled small childish profanities. After a while, I came up with another question.

"Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" I asked mostly to Hank, but also to Connor.

"Hell no!" Hank yelped before Connor could say anything.

"Well, I mean, yeah. Why did they give you that goofy voice and make you look so weird?" Connor glared at his father.

"Generally, most androids are designed to work with humans harmoniously. My voice and looks were designed to help me do exactly that." I furrowed my eyebrows at what Hank would say next. And he said exactly what I thought he would.

"Hm. Well, they fucked up." Connor smacked Hank on the shoulder and yelled at him. Hank chuckled at his son's childish behavior as I watched them. They must be in a good relationship for Connor to beat on his dad and Hank be so cool with it.

After Connor calmed down, he looked at me.

"I also have a question. And it's not about your appearance or voice." Connor still glared at Hank.

"Have you dealt with deviants in the past?" I looked away from him as I recalled Daniel and Emma.

"Yes. Yes I have. A deviant was threatening to jump off a multiple story building with a little girl. I'm glad I was able to save her." Connor nodded at me, noting how he'd probably get himself killed if he were in my shoes.

"I guess you've done you're homework, right?" Hank tapped my shoulder, getting my attention.

"Know everything there is to know about me?" I looked at him as I remembered reading the newspapers tacked to his wall in the office when I had the off time.

"I know you graduated at the top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several cases, and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit. I, er, also know you've received multiple disciplinary warnings in recent years and..." I trailed off a little.

"You spend a lot of time in bars." I finished, making Hank look at me.

"So what's your conclusion?" He asked. Connor looked between us, listening to our conversation and eating silently.

"I think working with an officer that has... personal issues... is an added challenge. But, adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features." I winked after I spoke, making Connor cover his mouth. I guessed he was containing a squeal.

Suddenly, I got a report from Cyberlife, making my eyes flutter and my LED flash yellow.

"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a couple blocks away. We should take a look." Connor looked at me and packed up his burger.

"I'll let you finish your meal, Lieutenant. I'll be in the car." I walked away from the table as Connor rushed to follow me. Hank just stared off at us both and chuckled before taking another sip from his soda.



Here's a little bonding moment with Hank and Connor. Connor loves your wink.


(God that was cringeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)

I'm not sure what to put in these A/N's anymore, so I'll leave you guys be.


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