"Well they were hanging out, Chan and Jeongin that is, and he kind of told Chan he liked him even though he knew he was dating someone," Felix stopped to take a deep breath, about to spill all the tea. "Then Chan said something like 'I like you too Jeongin and it's okay, don't worry about it' and he fucking! Kissed! Him!" He shouted and sat up from the bed.

"Jeongin called me and told me about it, he said he wasn't going to tell Woojin and I just—what an angel—isn't he an angel?"

Minho just nodded, he was still very confused. This wasn't like Chan, was it? He didn't think of him as the type of person to cheat, and with Jeongin? They're friends—

"You good? Hey what did you call me over for anyways?" Felix asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh right—" Minho cleared his throat, "well long story short, I might have told Jisung I had a boyfriend so I didn't have to be his fake boyfriend for other reasons, so I was kind of wondering if you'd maybe be my fake boyfriend?"

Felix stared at Minho for a good minute before he smacked him upside the head. "Are you actually dumb? Were you dropped as a child? I will absolutely not, and I mean never, be your fake—hey wait a minute," Felix paused, "what happened to your plan? Just cause he kissed you you're gonna wimp out? Wouldn't that help your plan—"

"Oh my god! I'm so stupid, I must have been dropped as a child, you're right," Minho shouted, interrupting him. "What do I do now? Just be like 'oh I was lying I don't have a boyfriend, you still wanna be fake boyfriends?' that's dumb!"

Felix sighed and shook his head, "I don't know man, I don't know.."

"Should I call him?"

"If you want—just don't make things worse."

Minho nodded and grabbed his phone, going to Jisung contact and hitting call before he had second thoughts about it. Not even a second went by and Jisung picked up, "hello?"

"Hi Jisung, how's your day?" Minho asked, giving Felix the look of 'am I doing this right?' Felix just gave him a thumbs up.

"It's good...why?" Jisung asked, very suspicious. "Do you need something from me?"

Minho laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "No I don't it's just uh," he started to panic now, "I don't like you—bye," and he hung up.

Felix face-palmed and sighed loudly, "what the hell was that!?"

"I panicked!!" Minho defended.

Felix was about to say something else, but Minho's phone went off. It was Jisung. "Look what you caused! You made it worse, exactly what I said not to do."

Minho declined the call and put his phone on do not disturb, giving Felix a smile. "See, all better now."

"I really wonder why I'm friends with you," Felix shook his head in disappointment.




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