Glitch in the Animus (Shay Patrick Cormac x Modern! Assassin! Reader) pt.4

Start from the beginning

The apartment complex was situated right on the corner where some small stores were and they had decent prices. Altaïr was the leader of the men as he was the oldest and he had been here the longest. It only made sense for him to be in charge when (Y/n) wasn't there.

Speaking of Altaïr he was currently standing in an isle with a basket of goods in his hands. He was debating on getting either potato chips or tortilla chips. Ezio and Connor liked potato chips where as Haytham and Edward liked tortilla chips. He and (Y/n) didn't even care. He just decided to get both and as he was checking out, the song "Cake by the Ocean." Came through his phone. He sighed and grabbed the cellular device and saw Ezio's stupid face pop up on the screen.

"Yes Ezio. What is it?" He said with exasperation. He heard some shouting in the background and some comforting words being mumbled to someone who was crying.

"You're needed here amico mio! Code red." (My friend) He said while shouting over the noise. He could hear some welsh curses along with some Irish ones as well someone was mad....

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Let me pay for this." He said while sliding the money over to the nice cashier lady. She knew who he was by now, even with the hood hiding his face, she knew him. She knew him as the lovely man that saved the sweet girl from upstairs.

"Don't worry about it baby. Go to her." The older woman said while handing him the bag. Altaïr nodded and ran out of the store, wanting to make sure the woman he had grown to love was okay.


Altaïr arrived at the door and was instantly let in by a frazzled Ezio. His golden eyes swept across the room and he took in all her could see. He saw Edward and the newest arrival, Shay, shouting at someone over the phone in their respective languages. It was honestly pretty scary to hear two deep-voiced men shouting curses at you in foreign languages. Haytham was writing letters to someone and if the way he was scribbling with anger, the letters were NOT nice. Connor was sitting next to (Y/n) on the couch, gently rubbing her back and whispering comforting words in his native language into her ear. He entered the room and all went silent.

"Someone had better explain to me what happened before I stab the milk again." Altair hissed.


Once everything calmed down, He got Connor to , reluctantly, hand (Y/n) over to him where he could hold her close and pet her hair in the way she liked. He never got a clear look at her face though. He wondered why.

Ezio was sitting in his chair with his hands on his knees and a scowl on his face. Haytham and Connor shared the love seat and they both looked equally mad. Edward and Shay had grabbed chairs from the dining room table to sit in the same room as everybody explained what had happened.

"Okay...Ezio. You called me, you start." Altair said while pulling the girl closer to his broad chest.

"(Y/n) came home with her friend Desmond from her job. The one at the tavern. She was upset and he wouldn't tell us why because he didn't know if she wanted us to know." He began. He was soon interrupted by  Edward who continued the story.

"The lass was crying and had some foul smelling liquid all splashed down her front. Her eyes were red as if the salty water of the sea got into 'em." He said while looking to Shay who nodded in confirmation.

"After Desmond brought her in here, she collapsed on the couch and just started to scream." Ezio continued. Altair couldn't help but growl at the happenings so far.

"Continue...." He hissed.

"We were confused and shocked until Desmond pulled Shay and I aside and told us what happened." Haytham said while passing the story onto his Irish companion.

"The lad said that he had gone to speak to a customer when he saw a rather drunk man sauntering over to the lass. She, rightly told him to leave. The man refused to leave and continued asking for some....was it whisky he said?" Shay asked. Haytham nodded after a moment of thought.

"Aye, whisky. She gave it to him, if only to shut him up so she could continue her job. When she came back, he requested some...improper services from her." Shay said while narrowing his eyes at the thought. Altair nodded and looked at Haytham who picked the story up again.

"When she denied him, he said some harsh words to her. One that, in my opinion, should NEVER be said in a lady's presence. He stood up and poured the entire bottle of whisky over her head and threw the glass at the wall behind her, cutting her cheek slightly." Haytham said while gesturing to the rag that was slightly red on the counter.

"We managed to get the man's information from Desmond's description of him and Shay and I called him to give him a piece of our minds. We also told his wife what he did for good measure. I am sure she will give him a worse beating than we ever could." Edward said while looking proud of himself, and rightly so.

" I am writing a letter to the management of the tavern so this kind of thing never happens again." Haytham said while holding the stack of papers up in the air. Connor fiddled with his fingers as Altair's golden gaze fell on him.

"I..I was comforting her until you got here. You were gone and she needed it." He said while looking at the Syrian assassin. Altair nodded and looked to Ezio who nodded at his friend.

"I called you as soon as I could." He finished. Altair nodded and thanked all of the men who had helped her get better. He nudged the girl that was sitting in his lap gently and she buried her face into his jacket.

"Flower, show me your face." He said softly. None of the men in the room had ever heard Altair speak in such a quiet tone before. She shook her head and Altair swiftly picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. The others knew that he was going to speak to her alone and they understood that. They went back to writing letters or speaking to each other quietly about what had occurred.

"Altair..why can't the world just leave me alone..." He heard her whisper. He looked down and say how red her eyes were, the mascara she had put on that morning was running down her face in thick, black lines as she cried. Some from pain, some from sadness.

"It's going to be alright. We are here for you..." He whispered while cupping her face in his hands. She grasped onto his wrist and nuzzled her face into his hands. Her eyes closed as she choked back a sob.

"I'm just...I'm so tired... so tired of lifting everybody up." She mumbled. Altair nodded and got closer to her. She could feel his breath on her face and she opened her eyes and saw golden pools of love and affection staring back at her.

"Then give me some of the weight. We will face this evil world, together." He whispered. He placed his forehead on hers and his eyes flicked to her lips. He wanted to kiss her. Oh heavens how badly he wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want to hurt her. The fear of hurting her more was so overwhelming, she could see the turmoil in his eyes. She nervously licked her lips and looked up to him.

"Altiar? Can you...can you kiss me?" She whispered. Altair was shocked out of his stupor and then smirked lightly.

"Yes (Y/n). I can kiss you."

And so he did.

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