What Will It Take (Ratonhnhaké:ton/ Connor Kenway X Assassin! Reader) Pt.1

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Requested by @borkgrape. Thank you for requesting. I was stuck for a while there!

Sorry in advance for the OOCness but this was the best way I could make this happen

Connor was stuck. He had messed up on a mission and landed himself in a jail cell with a man that seemed to be crazy. Always offering him peanuts and pieces of meat he found who knows where. Conner was frustrated with himself and with his father. His father...the Templar Grand Master that he was sworn to hate. His Father was nowhere to be found and it seemed as though the creed had abandoned him.

In the middle of his little pity party, he was alerted by a small cooing of a bird. To anybody else, this would sound just like a dove but to him, he knew it was his assassin partner and friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She had joined their creed a little after he did and she trained along side of him. Given, she didn't have eagle vision, and she wasn't nearly as good as he was, but she gave it her all and that's all that mattered. She joined the creed after her parents were forced out of the colonies due to their being (religion of choice.) The British didn't like this idea and sent them to live in Florida with the hated Spanish. 

The Spanish were just as hated and her parents had no choice but to move to Rhode Island, where they threw the people they didn't want. (Sorry Rhode Island but it was true!) She grew up learning about freedom to choose and the ability to think for one's self. She heard of the creed from some history book her Father had and she instantly sought out someone to train her.

Connor shook himself from the past and walked over to the very small window that was on the northern side of the jail. He saw a little paper bird there and he couldn't help but scoff. She was such a show off with her small hands and her gentleness. Connr could hardly hold a flower without squishing it but she was oh so perfect and could do anything. Ha!

He opened the paper bird and read the scribbled writing there with a frown. The old man had sent her to SAVE him! He was even more frustrated now and he crumpled the bird up and tossed it to the crazy man in the corner who proceeded to eat the paper given to him.

"Crazy old man..." Conner grumbled. Two hands reached up and hoisted the body attached to them up so they could see into the cell. Conner rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips in frustration. It was HER. He couldn't see her eyes through the (F/Dark/C) hood she wore to keep her face in shadow.

"Who's a crazy old man?" She whispered. Even if Connor couldn't stand her, he had to admit she was very pretty. Her face was just...perfect, for a lack of better words. 

"Achilles, for sending you. I don't need help. I can handle this myself. I don't need your help." He grumbled. She sighed and tried to move the bars in any kind of way before she looked down below her. Connor didn't realize this but he was being held in the fourth floor of an almost smooth surface. It was very hard for (Y/N ) to hang on but she had a mission to complete. 

She also had her own motives for completing this mission. She knew Connor didn't like her very much, for reasons she couldn't exactly be sure of. She thought it had to do with the fact she was here in the first place. She still remembered the first conversation she had shared with him.

He had said that the order was no place for a woman. That she would do nothing but slow him down on his search for Charles Lee. She had said that she was only there to serve the Brotherhood and not him. He blatantly rejected her kindness and went back to training. Regardless of what she would do, he never interacted with her unless he had to.

She huffed and shook her head sadly. She was upset at him for being so arrogant. He always believed he could do everything alone! If there was one thing the Assassin's coveted above all else, was camaraderie. It was the familial ties between each Assassin and his fellows. Heck, Even in the tenth century people called each other Brother! If there was one thing she wanted, it was his respect and trust.

"Connor, please. I have a job to do and you're not making this any easier!" She whispered loudly, as to not alert any of the guards. Connor stomped his way over to the window and he put his hands on the bars, almost pushing her fingers off the ledge.

"Listen here, I DON'T need your help. I can get out of here by myself. I will NEVER need your help, I am a master Assassin and you are just a Captain. I'm better than you in each and every way, what makes you think I need your help? In all honesty you're only a burden on the order! You should just do us all a favor and disappear back to where you came from." He hissed. 

As soon as those words came out his mouth, he regretted it. He watched her eyes fill with unshed tears at his words. He knew of her struggle. He knew what she had done to get to this point. She was doing her best to advance and he just belittled all of her hard work.



The world suddenly slowed down to a crawl. He could see the guard loading his rifle and taking aim. He watched her hands as they moved to hang on even tighter and all the while, he couldn't stop it from happening. 

She heard the shot before she felt it hit her. The lead ball that lodged itself in the tissues of her back didn't hurt. It felt...cold. She didn't feel pain per-se, just an overwhelming feeling of dread. Then she felt the air tugging at he clothing as she fell from the window, she stretched her arms out slightly and accepted the fact that she would die without accomplishing either of her missions. She was unconscious before she hit the ground.

Connor couldn't move. He could hardly breathe. This woman tried to save him from the gallows and he just got her hurt. He had to get out of here before they killed her.

Unless she was already dead.

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