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Even when a creature of  the ocean manages to avoid getting caught up in plastic directly, they  are still consuming it through the food chain. Plastic particles are  still tainting the ocean life all the way to its very core (plankton,  algae, corral, kelp). It is not that hard to recycle, to re-use paper  bags for groceries, to choose paper over plastic, to use card board  boxes. Let's choose to use things that decompose naturally back into  earth. It can take up to 1,000 years for plastic to decompose, whereas  cardboard only takes three months! Cardboard can also be used as mulch  for gardens, our food supply! Let's make some changes to build a  healthier planet.

 It can take up to 1,000 years for plastic to decompose, whereas  cardboard only takes three months! Cardboard can also be used as mulch  for gardens, our food supply! Let's make some changes to build a  healthier planet

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