Me Versus Myself

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Me Versus Myself


I looked into the eyes of the person standing in front of me, staring them down. I unconsciously reached for my dagger and then remembered it was gone. My hands clenched at my sides as I thought quickly, trying to calm myself enough to figure out what I was supposed to do next. I looked around for Percy and then realized I was the only one in the large room.

I kept looking at the person, trying to figure out what to do. Light glinted off of the glass and their eyes shined. She mimicked my actions, mocking me. I glared at her and her face mirrored mine. My face stayed the same and then hers lifted in a big smile.

I didn't know how to make her go away. She was haunting me, and no one else was here to help me. No one understood her like I did. No one saw her like I did. No one could fight her for me. Only I could win this battle.

A knock sounded on the door, shattering the illusion. The girl's image that had been taunting me disappeared and I was left twirling in front of the large mirror, admiring my gown. My father stuck his head in, "Annabeth? It's time."

I turned back to the mirror, looking at myself. The white dress I wore was amazing, but I felt weird in it. I was used to fighting all the time, and a wedding dress was foreign to me. It was a simple dress, not too extravagant, but still pretty. My palms were sweaty and butterflies flitted around in my stomach. My legs felt weak.

"You look beautiful, Annabeth. Gorgeous." Frederick Chase seemed to tear up a little. "You aren't the little girl who ran away from home when she was seven anymore. You died once. I know we didn't get along too well when you were young, but I do love you."

"I love you too, Dad." I blinked back tears and hugged him tightly.

I took a deep breath, straightening my dress. "Are you ready?" My father asked, holding up his arm.

"Yeah, I think so." I took another breath and hooked my arm through his.

We left the room in the Big House and walked down to the beach, where everyone was waiting. A year had passed since I died and left with Percy. I battled the Primordial of Creation, Thesis, about half a year ago (meaning three years in Chaos time), and become the new Thesis. It was then that Percy popped the question. Of course I said yes, and we wanted to have our wedding on Earth with our family and close friends.

As I walked down the aisle with my father, I looked around the crowd and smiled at the friends and family I saw. There was Tammy and Tansy (now that the Oneiroi were gone she was fine), Rachel, Grover, Percy's team (including the ones who had stayed on Earth), Clarisse, Tyson, Leo, Calypso, Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Frank. My stepmother and her children were present, and Sally and Paul were there too. And for the immortal side of our family, there was Athena, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Aphrodite and Mr. D. Chiron served as the minister.

I was halfway down the aisle when I saw him. My Seaweed Brain. He looked so handsome. Percy stood nervously under the arch that had been set up on the beach along with rows of benches. He had on a classy tux, but like my dress, it was simple yet still amazing. His face lit up when he saw me.

After my eyes met his one eye everything else faded away. I barely felt my father's arm and didn't hear or see any of the guests. I focused on Percy's face as I walked and my nerves calmed slightly.

I finally made it the arch and stood in front of Percy. My father placed my hand in my fiancé's. I smiled and didn't take my eyes away from him. All I could sense was me, him, and Chiron. The ceremony was a blur. I didn't focus on what Chiron said, or what I said, or what Percy said. I just focused on the fact that Percy stood in front of me, and that he was about to be eternally mine.

Then the time came. I heard the words, "You may kiss the bride," and Percy took me into his arms and kissed me immediately. Cheers came from behind us as we kept kissing and I held Percy tightly to me. I was officially Annabeth Jackson.

The rest of the wedding and the reception sped by quickly. We were congratulated at every turn and hugged by our friends and family. Sally welcomed me to the family with a large hug and a command to call her 'Mom.' My dad wasn't as outgoing as Sally, but he was very happy with my choice and approved of Percy greatly. Athena even hugged Percy. Poseidon didn't want me to call him 'Dad,' but he had always liked me and wasn't at all surprised when we had first announced that we were engaged.

Thalia had been my maid of honor and Grover was Percy's best man. Everyone had a great time after the wedding and Percy and I were practically attached at the hip. We loved each other so much that getting married didn't change us too much. We had both been very nervous, but we both had no doubt about our choice.

Last year during the war when Percy had been trying to convince Bob, the Olympians really did listen to him. Hades was now welcome on Olympus at any time, and he had a throne. Hestia had a throne as well, since everyone realized how selfless she was, what she had given up for Mr. D. I didn't think he deserved it, but she had.

Any demigods brought into Camp Half-Blood were claimed immediately, and once a month the gods came to camp and talked to all their children. Just to check in and see how they were doing, to show them they cared. Demigods were popping up everywhere. More cabins had been made and several satyrs were assigned to a state and given a list of all the demigods in that state. Satyrs and demigods stumbled across the borders every day.

All of the demigods felt loved by their parents, and those who didn't seem to take to their immortal parent easily were watched closely. If it seemed like they were starting down the path Luke had taken, Luke would talk to them and set them straight.

The Olympians had also talked to the rest of their family. The Primordials that weren't locked in the Void, other immortals or Titans not in Tartarus, and they tried to sort out their problems. If one didn't cooperate and showed signs that they were plotting against the gods, Chaos was called and he either talked to them or sent them to the Void.

As for Percy and I, after the wedding we went on our honeymoon. Ogygia was easy to find now that the curse had been lifted when Calypso left, and she let us use the island. The gods watched over us and redirected any monster, demigod, mortal, or immortal headed our way. We enjoyed our privacy and the company of each other, living in pure happiness.

Ten Months Later . . .

Percy handed me the small bundle which I carefully took from him. I bounced the baby in my arms slightly and turned to Percy, giving him a quick kiss.

We walked into the amphitheater at Camp Half-Blood where our family and friends were waiting. The silenced when they saw us.

"Guys," Percy said. "This is our daughter."

I smiled at him and finished, "Meet Pandora Hylla Jackson."

A/N: That's it. The last chapter of the last book in The Memory Trilogy.

. . . or is it?

There is an alternate ending after this chapter, which leads to a spinoff, so if you want more, go read that next chapter and then the spinoff.


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