The Donut-Addicted Horse Appears

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The Donut-Addicted Horse Appears


"As you have most likely noticed, we have guests. The Amazons, led by Annabeth Chase," I stood and waved and then sat down, "And an elite team of Primordials, led by Perseus Jackson," Percy glared at Chiron at the use of his full name but stood and waved like I had. "Annabeth and Perseus are former campers, as well as some of those on the team. They each fought a Primordial and took their place. I will let them introduce themselves." Chiron motioned for Percy and his team to come up to the front. Along with the four members of his team that traveled with him, Daedalus, Beckendorf, Silena, and Luke moved to the front with them.

Thalia stepped forward, "Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus and former Huntress of Artemis. I died and joined the team in a war about as big as the Second Titan War, but not big enough for Percy's team to come and help. I am Thalassa, a personification of the Sea."

Nico took her place. "Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades, and Erebus, the personification of Darkness. I died from drakon poison and joined the team."

Next was Zoë. "Zoë Nightshade, Daughter of Atlas, former Hesperide and former Huntress of Artemis. I died from poison from the dragon Landon coursing through my veins and my father cast the killing blow and I then joined the team. I am Physis, the personification of Nature."

Then Bianca. "Bianca di Angelo, Daughter of Hades and Nico's sister, former Huntress of Artemis, and I am Nyx, the personification of Night. I died from destroying a metal robot that would have killed four other people along with me and joined the team."

Daedalus went up next. "Daedalus, Son of Athena. I cheated death for a long time until I realized that no mortal should be able to live that long. I died to close the Labyrinth and joined the team. I am Pontus, another personification of the Sea."

"I am Silena Beauregard, Daughter of Aphrodite. I died from drakon poison and joined the team. I am Ananke, the personification of Compulsion."

"I am Charles Beckendorf, Son of Hephaestus. I died from blowing up a ship full of monsters and joined the team. I am Ophion, the personification of Serpents."

"I am Luke Castellan, Son of Hermes. I was evil in the Second Titan War but sacrificed myself to end the war. I died and joined the team. I am Chronos and Kronos, both representing Time."

Percy was the last one to introduce himself. "I am Perseus Jackson, but I prefer Percy. I am the son of Poseidon. I am the only one who did not die to join this team. Seven years ago everyone's memory of me was erased and replaced with a memory of a fake me. In order to get them to remember me, I made a bargain with Chaos. It did not turn out as I had planned, and no one remembered me until after a war three years later. I am Chaos, the Creator. He is the one who started this team. Everyone else except for Thalia and Nico had already been on the team before I joined. Chaos was killed and I became his successor.

"Although, that is not entirely true anymore. It never was. Chaos was wounded in the only place he was vulnerable, but he did not die. He lost his powers and become something like a ghost. Only I could see him and communicate with him. Two days ago, he and I performed a ritual that restored his powers as Chaos, but I still have the same powers. We are sharing the role of Chaos."

Percy and his team sat down again, Percy taking my hand. Chiron stood in front of the camp again. "Now you know who they are. I would like to have Annabeth come up and introduce herself and the Amazons."

I walked to the front of the campfire and had Tammy follow me. "Hello, I am Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. I am also the Queen of the Amazons, shown by Queen Hippolyta's magical girdle." I gestured to the golden belt around my waist.

"Hello everyone, I am Tammy Stillman, Daughter of Demeter. I am Annabeth's Lieutenant, meaning if something happens to her, I become the Queen of the Amazons."

"Thank you, Annabeth and Tammy. Tammy, you may sit down. Percy, please come back up here." Tammy sat and Percy took her place next to me. Chiron continued, "As the older campers will know, when these two groups of people are present here at Camp Half-Blood, it is not merely a friendly visit. They are here because of war. Four beings are threatening Olympus. The three brothers who are the Oneiroi, and Typhon." The older campers gasped at the mention of Typhon. "I will let Percy and Annabeth explain more."

I started. "As some of you may know, some of the campers have been plagued with disturbing dreams that have driven them to madness. This has been occurring with the Amazons as well. Two days ago, one of the Oneiroi led an attack against the Amazons. He tried to take me and cut off my hand," I lifted my celestial bronze hand, "But I called for Percy with a necklace he had given me. He dueled the Oneiroi and managed to chase him away. He then created this celestial bronze hand for me and left to speak with the Olympians."

Percy took over, "When the Oneiroi left, he mentioned a storm. The Amazons that had experienced one of the dreams had also been speaking of storms. We connected the dots and realized Typhon is rising again. I informed the Olympians of the threat, and they told me that they may need my help fighting Typhon. The original Chaos stepped in then and said that he would help the Olympians while I stayed here to help you. But there is the possibility that they may still need me."

Percy finished talking and Chiron spoke again. "As much as we would like to believe otherwise, we are in the middle of yet another war. Tomorrow I would like the cabin counselors plus Percy and Annabeth in the Big House for a meeting. As for the campers, Amazons, and those on Percy's team--train. Train as much as you can, be prepared for attacks, be prepared for anything. I would suggest taking shifts in sleeping, be sure that at least three people in your cabin are awake at all times. Any sign of a camper having a nightmare sent by the Oneiroi, wake them up immediately and send for either myself, Percy, or Annabeth.

"Now, let us forget about the unpleasantness for now. We will have a game of Capture the Flag next week, but do not start forming teams. I have a feeling that this game will be different. Remember what I said, take shifts in sleeping. Dismissed."

The campers slowly started to make their way to their cabins. Tammy led the Amazons to our cabin, and Thalia led Percy's team to their cabin. Percy grabbed my hand and we walked around Camp Half-Blood, admiring new sights and old sights we had missed.

We visited the stables on our way back to our cabins and Blackjack appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed the back of Percy's shirt and carried him off. Unfortunately, Percy was still holding my hand and pulled me with him.

"Blackjack! What are you doing?" Percy yelled at the pure black pegasus. He was silent for a second as he listened to Blackjack. "So you can't ask nicely, you have to grab me and take off?" He listened again. "Put us down and I'll get you some."

Blackjack finally lowered and dropped us on top of Percy's cabin. He landed next to us. "Let me guess," I said, "He wants donuts. Or was it sugar cubes?"

"Donuts, always donuts." Percy muttered and tossed a donut he conjured at Blackjack. The pegasus whinnied happily before flying off.

"Are those even okay for a Pegasus to eat?"

"I don't think it would end well if I asked that question."

"Does he do that often?"

"Believe it or not, yes."

I laughed and carefully jumped off of the roof of Percy's cabin. Percy's feet hit the ground next to me and he pulled me into a hug, which turned into a kiss. I found myself crying again and put my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I'll never be able to say how much I missed you, Percy."

"Me either, Annabeth." Percy gave me one last kiss before he walked into his cabin, and I headed off to mine. I felt a little bounce in my step, the lingering feeling of Percy's lips against mine.

I finally had Percy back.

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