We Share Our Dreams

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We Share Our Dreams


The music hadn't changed since the last time I rode the elevator. It was still terrible. The Olympians were very forgetful. As soon as the doors closed Percy stumbled and fell against the walls.

"Percy!" I shrieked and dropped to my knees, clutching his shoulders. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," He waved away my hands. "Just . . . now I get why you were so freaked out after that dream. It was hard to look okay for a while to talk to the gods. Give me a minute." Percy took deep breaths as he lay against the walls of the elevator.

"Okay," I said and sat next to him, holding his hand and stroking his hair. I understood why he needed this.

The doors dinged open and I pulled Percy to his feet. "We can talk about the dreams tomorrow. We're the only ones who've experienced those dreams and survived sane."

"Okay," Percy said softly as we left the Empire State Building. We walked silently as we made our way to Sally's apartment.

Percy knocked on the door and soon Paul opened it. He smiled when he saw us. "Hey, Percy, Annabeth. Come on in." Paul beckoned and we followed him into the apartment. Sally was in the kitchen baking something when we walked in.

"Percy! Annabeth! How are you?" She pulled us into a large group hug, which I gladly returned.

"We're okay." I smiled grimly.

"Just okay?" Sally cocked her head in a questioning look.

"You know the dreams I told you the Amazons had been having?" Percy asked and Sally nodded. "Annabeth had one and earlier tonight so did I."

"Oh, you poor things! Do you want to talk about them?" Sally looked at us with concern and she rubbed my arm as she looked into my eyes, seeming to read my very soul.

"Thanks, but we're not really ready. It was a . . . disturbing experience." I shivered as I thought back to the dream the Oneiroi had sent me. Disturbing didn't even begin to describe it.

"All right, I understand." A timer went off by Sally's stove and she pulled open the door to the oven, peering inside. She pulled out a pan of some sort of treat. "Besides, I have something that should make you guys feel better. I always seem to know when you'll be dropping by. Who wants cookies?" She revealed the blue cookies that lay on the pan.

I smiled widely. Sally always knew how to make us feel better.


An hour later, our stomachs were full and our spirits were lifted. Sally sent us out the door with a tupperware container of cookies and wishes of good luck. We smiled, bid them goodbye, and walked down the stairs and onto the busy streets of Manhattan. Percy pulled me into a dark alleyway and flashed us back to camp.

"Thank you for taking me to see Sally, that was what I needed." I told Percy as we walked to our cabins after having asked Chiron to call a council meeting tomorrow. Our intertwined hands swung between us.

He kissed my forehead. "I needed it too." We stopped at the Amazons cabin and Percy turned to me. His lips found mine and lulled me into a trancelike state as he kissed me. I kissed him back, my love growing for him with every movement of our lips. Finally, we separated and he took the cookies to share with his team.

I walked into the Amazon's cabin, and fell into my bed, not bothering to change or brush my teeth. I was asleep before my head touched the pillow.


"All right, I have more information about the Oneiroi," I started as soon as the war council meeting commenced.

"Good. I have not found anything more than we already know," Chiron motioned for me to continue.

"There are three of them, the sons of Hypnos. Morpheus," Grover paled at the mention of him, "Phobetor and Phantasus. They each have certain powers regarding dreams. One can take human form, the other takes the form of an animal, and the last one creates illusions. They used to need Hypnos to put their victims to sleep before sending them a dream, but we know that Hypnos isn't working with them. They've obviously gotten stronger since the ancient times," I concluded and observed the faces of my fellow demigods.

"So, basically, we have to be really careful when sleeping and never be alone?" Jason tried to clarify.

I nodded. "Yeah. We told the campers and Amazons a few days ago to take shifts and make sure there's a few people awake at all times while in the cabin. You guys might want to do that too," I suggested.

Jason nodded, "We will."

The rest of the council meeting was about what we would do when the time came for the actual battle, and other things. There was still no sign of Leo. I half-listened. Last night I had a nightmare about what might have happened if Percy hadn't woken me in time. It seemed like Percy was in the same state I was.

Once Chiron dismissed us, Percy and I automatically made our way into the lake. Instead of jumping in like he usually did, he slowly walked in and I followed. We sat on the bottom of the lake and Percy pulled me into his lap.

After sitting there for a while, my head buried in the crook of Percy's neck, he spoke. "That . . . that kind of power shouldn't exist. It's unnatural and, just terrible. How can people do that all the time? They bring people pain and horror, and keep doing it. I don't understand how anyone can do that repeatedly, and live with themselves."

"Me too. What was it like for you? For me . . . for me I was standing in front of the pit that lead to Tartarus. The Oneiroi were on the other side. I could tell Typhon was rising. Faces screamed all around me and I started to dissolve and was sucked into the pit. You woke me up before I vanished into the pit completely." I choked on my words, not wanting to remember the terrifying experience.

"That's what it was like for me too. But before all of that started, Morpheus showed up in front of me. He asked me to join them, because I would be a powerful ally. When I refused, the dream started." Percy explained.

"I don't ever want to go through that again." I shuddered and tried to snuggle up closer to Percy.

"Neither do I. And we won't. I won't let it happen." Percy wrapped an arm around me protectively and held me. I kissed his jaw and he kissed my forehead.

I buried my head in his neck again and shivered slightly every few seconds. Not from the cool temperature of the water, but from the amazingly scary powers our opponents had.

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