Even Immortals Can Have Tantrums

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Even Immortals Can Have Tantrums


"Percy, I think we know now that even Titans whose memories have been erased are still untrustworthy." I said from the corner of my mouth as I watched Iapetus.

"Yeah, I got that. But only if the Oneiroi is involved. Before them, Bob was fine." Percy whispered back.

"They're untrustworthy." I repeated.

"All right, all right." Percy agreed and readied his sword as I held out Riptide, pointing it at Iapetus.

"Perseus Jackson. You were lucky last time. This time, there is no River Lethe for you. You will not win." Iapetus slowly made his way forward, taunting us.

"Get your facts straight buddy, that was a long time ago," I sneered.

"I'm not a regular son of Poseidon anymore. I don't need a memory erasing river to beat you again . . ." Percy trailed off and seemed to choke on his words. His sword fell and the point stuck in the ground.

"What, what's wrong?" I glanced between Percy and Iapetus, watching for either one to make a move.

"'Memory erasing river.' Pontus." Percy gasped, stumbling. I placed a hand on his arm and his head swiveled, his eye meeting mine. "He used the River Lethe to erase everyone's memories of me. The goddess of the River Lethe must know more. I have to talk to her." Percy breathed and then his mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"We'll figure this out later, okay, Percy? We're in the middle of a war right now." I patted his shoulder, hoping he would snap out of it.

Percy shook his head a few times and shifted his grip on Oblivion, pulling the blade out of the ground. "Okay."

I turned to face Iapetus and found his face directly in front of mine. My heart jumped to my throat and I took a step back. He grinned and sauntered back a few steps.

"Bo--Iapetus. Don't you remember us? Remember me? We're your friends! You helped us defeat Gaea two years ago. You chose us over your own mother. You chose us over your family. Why are you choosing the Oneiroi this time?" Percy advanced on the Titan.

"You made me a slave! The son of Hades was the only one who visited me. You, Perseus, you and the daughter of Zeus left me without a second glance and never returned. I was a janitor in Hades' palace. I cleaned for him. He despised me, always looking for reasons to throw me in Tartarus again! The di Angelo boy was the one who stopped him every time. You took away my identity and gave me something worse than death. Helping my enemy. Helping the Olympians, who overthrew us Titans, who ended our Golden rule." To show his anger, Iapetus snapped his broom over his knee. He tossed away the broom part and held the handle with its spear head brandished at us.

"Okay," Percy started to say, "I--"

"I am not finished!" Spittle flew from Iapetus' lips as he snarled at Percy. "If you truly wanted to keep me as your friend, if you truly thought I could be an ally to you, you would have visited. Nico was my friend, not you or the girl Thalia. I do not want to harm him, but I will if I must. Even a demigod as dumb as you should know that some things are too powerful to vanish easily. My memories would have come back without the help of the Oneiroi. I guess you really do live up to your nickname, Seaweed Brain." Iapetus' lips curved upwards in a sly grin.

It was one thing for Percy to hear that name from me, but it felt wrong coming from the Titan. Percy yelled and dashed forward, obviously as irked as I was. Iapetus whipped up his spear faster than I thought he could have and deflected Percy's strike, simultaneously kicking him in the chest. Percy staggered back and Iapetus stepped forward, cutting Percy's pants leg and breaking his skin, drawing a line of golden ichor.

I jumped forward while Iapetus was looking at Percy and slashed Riptide down the side of his face. I stepped back, admiring my work. Iapetus growled and turned to me, attacking with strength I didn't expect him to have.

I used both my shield and sword, blocking Iapetus' attacks and delivering my own. Percy joined us and Iapetus barely seemed fazed by having two opponents instead of one. He still only had his spear and wasn't afraid to get hit. He was covered in cuts quickly, but he didn't seem to notice at all. He just kept fighting, barely slowing from his injuries. When he caught a break every few seconds he would touch a large cut and it would heal instantly.

I caught glimpses of the fight around the circle of fire we were in. The campers, Romans and Amazons had almost defeated all of the monsters. The field was littered with piles of dust and the scent of blood. Most of the remaining warriors that were capable were fighting the demigods on the Oneiroi's side. None of them seemed too fond of killing them. They were knocked out, tied up, and dragged off to the side. Others that were too injured to fight watched us, murmuring encouragements. Phobetor stood on the rock, watching Percy and I fight Iapetus with amusement.

"Stop!" I suddenly flung my hands out and backed away. "Iapetus, you can't just forget about who you were when you were Bob. Bob is always going to be a part of you. It was always there, even before you lost your memories of being Iapetus. You couldn't have been Bob then if it wasn't already there. You won't ever forget who you were."

"Bob is nothing. I despise him. I am Iapetus. Iapetus is my real name."

"I know that. You were Iapetus first and then Bob. It's like you said, some things are too powerful to vanish easily. Bob is there inside you. I know he is."

"I am," Iapetus faltered, his spear drooping a little. "I am Iapetus. But, but I am also Bob. Before Bob, I was Iapetus." Iapetus seemed resigned to the fact.

My heart was filled with hope. He had said was, as if he wasn't anymore. Percy watched us with curiosity. "The Oneiroi won't let you rule. Phobetor won't let you do what you want to the Olympians. He'll toss you in Tartarus and imprison you again. He barely cared that Typhon was defeated. Why do you think that is?"


"You said you are Iapetus and also Bob. But which one is it? Who are you now? I like Bob better. Which one do you like?"

His spear clattered to the ground. His shoulders slumped. "I do not know anymore."

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