I Love Play Rehearsal

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(Because it's the best! Because it is fun!)
(Also I'm super sorry this took so long-)
(Dhjdbdid Writer's Block-)

Of course play rehearsal had to be on a Saturday.

Haruki tapped his fingers nervously against his leg.

Oh god, what if he messes up? What if everyone hates him? What if they decide to kick him out the play? What if-

Katashi placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Kiyomi shot him a thumbs up.

Haruki smiled.

It wasn't nice to say, but he was happy their parents was unavailable except for Kokichi, because then he could ride with his best friends.

Haruki spent the rest of the ride staring out the window.

"Y'all, we're here!" Kokichi exclaimed, parking the car.

"Y'all," Katashi repeated.


Katashi rolled his eyes.

Kiyomi giggled, "Let's go!"

The four of them walked over to the school auditorium.

Linda, Sasha, Paul, and Helen were already there. So were their kids. Kaede was also there.

Undine, although she preferred to be called UN, was also there, "Y'all, they're here."

Katashi looked at Haruki, "Why is everyone using y'all?"

He shrugged.

"Alright, let's gets rehearsal started!" Christine clapped her hands, being one of the older kids and leader of the drama club.

She grabbed Haruki, Kelly, Karen, and Alice, "Alright, you four are going to be in the first act!"

Christine handed them some scripts, "Alright, read from the script!"

They all acted out the first scene, although Kelly and Karen kept being gloomy about not getting the lead role and Haruki kept stuttering.

Christine waited for them to finish before she reviewed their performance, "Kelly, Karen, I know you two are upset about not getting your preferred role, but act older than your age and suck. It. Up. Alice, Haruki, you two are doing fine!"

Jason rolled his eyes, "You're not saying anything about his s-s-s-stuttering?" He clearly stuttered in a mocking way.

Haruki looked away in embarrassment, fiddling with the gem on his scunchie.

Katashi glared at him, softly growling.

Kiyomi subtly flipped him off.

Kokichi quietly scolded his daufhter, although he was proud.

Kaede huffed.

The four other adults snickered.

Jason smirked like he was on top of the world.

Christine narrowed her eyes at him, "Well, his stuttering actually compliments this version of Cinderella very well. So you can just go ahead and walk off a bridge if you kept speaking like that, thank you very much."

Jason kept opening and closing his mouth, trying to look for a response.

Kiyomi snickered, "I like her."

Cristine silently motioned for Kaede to play the first song.

"Haruki, it's your first song. Sing!"

Haruki flipped through the script, finding the song. He found it, but was hesitant to sing.

Oh god, I'm gonna mess up and they're gonna hate me and-

Haruki met Katashi's gaze. He smiled reassuringly.

Haruki smiled back, before singing.

Immediately, everyone was amazed.

After he was done, Christine started clapping, "Keep it up and soon you'll become the ultimate singer!"

Haruki started nervously shaking his head and hands, "A-Ah, n-no, I w-wouldn't be able to do that!"

Christine sighed, "Aw, I'd pay good money for that."

Kelly tapped her shoulder, "Let's get the next scene started." She seemed jealous with all the attention Haruki was getting.

Christine nodded, "Alright, next scene we'll need Jason and Katashi!"


The next two hours were what you'd expect a play rehearsal to be.

And then they reached the kiss scene.

"Now kiss!" Kiyomi shouted, in place of Christine, who was about to shout the same thing.

Haruki was a blushing mess while Katashi slowly bent down and kissed him, albeit short.

They both turned away, blushing furiously.

Haruki covered his face with hishands.


Katashi stared upwards.

I just kissed him, oh my god, aaaaaAAAAAAA!

Kiyomi sent them both a knowing look. She quietly fist bumped her dad.

Kaede giggled at her piano.

Linda started whispering to Sasha and Helen. You could hear the venom in her voice.

Christine clicked her tongue, "You two can't be that embarrassed when we're actually putting on the play!"

They both nodded, before getting off the stage, their blushes dying.

Christine flipped through the script, "That's it for today! Practice your lines at home!"

She shooed everyone out the gym, locking it behind her.

Kokichi led the kids to the car.

"That was pretty eventful, huh?" He exclaimed when everyone was in the car.

Kiyomi hummed in agreement while the boys started blushing again.

"I mean he's not wrong," Kiyomi muttered.

"Shut up," Katashi glared at her.

Haruki let out a soft laugh at his friend's antics.

Overall, the day wasn't too bad.

Are We Even Qualified To Be Parents? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora