The Other Kids Extras

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Linda Brown's Kids: Kelly Brown and Kevin Brown

Helen Smith's Kid: Karen Smith and Christine Smith

Sasha Kim's Kids: Jason Kim

Some Unnamed Parent's kids: Undine and Brandon

Paul Springs' kid: Alice Springs

*Kelly and Kevin are twins. Kevin is older.

*While Kaede first came, Shuichi and she sang 'If I Could Tell Her' from DEH. Kevin was silently having a crisis. Afterwards, he set his phone ringtone to it.

*Alice is shy because her mom left while she was young, leaving her dad, causing him to be overprotective and slightly gullible. He only wants the best for his child.

*Karen kinda wants to be nicer, but doesn't want her only legitimate friend, Kelly, to leave her.

*Kelly only acts the way she does (manipulative, rude, bossy, narcissistic) because her mom says to.

*Undine is supposed to represent me if you couldn't tell

*Brandon is a reference to my older brother

*After Kaede visited, Kevin became a fan of Broadway musicals

*Kevin wasn't actually trying to get a role in the musical. He CAN sing. He just doesn't want to be forced into it.

*Kelly is cheerleading captain. Karen and Alice are also in the team.

*Jason is the football captain. Kevin's in the football team.

*Karen has a secret..... :3c

*Alice likes horror games. She especially likes BATIM.

*Jason. Now, JASON is the stereotypical popular kid bully

*Karen bought a pair of best friend necklaces for her and Kelly. She wears hers all the time. Kelly lies and says that she still has hers when she threw it away.

*Linda tried to spoil Kelly and Kevin all their lives. Kelly accepted it with open arms, but Kevin didn't take as much

*Kevin and Haruki will get a chapter centered around them. Shippy? Who knows?

*Linda attempts to have the best kids so she can brag. Meaning they have to be the best of everything they do. Kelly succeeded, but the same can't be said for Kevin.

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