Shuichi and Maki join the party!

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Shuichi adjusted his trusty hat.

Time to go to the 'shitstains' (as Kichi describes them) that is the PTA meetings.

Surely they couldn't be that bad!



Shuichi sat down next to Kokichi.

He recognized his former classmates, and Kokichi had told him about the other PTA members.

"Ah! Assassin-chan finally decided to join us!" Kokichi called out, cupping a hand over his mouth.

"A-A-Assassin?!" Karen whispered, stuttering. No one paid any attention to her.

Maki sent him one of her famous death glares, "Don't call me that."

"B-but Maki roll!" Kokichi had crocodile tears in his eyes.

Maki intensified her glare.

"Dad, no," Kiyomi sighed.

Shuichi shook his head, laying it on his arms.

Linda perked up,"Oh? Are you a family friend of Kiyomi?"

Shuichi blinked, turning to Kokichi, then back at Linda, "Wait, you didn't tell her?"

Rantaro tapped the rings on his fingers against the table, "Homophobia's a bitch."

Shuichi sighed, "Of course."

Sasha smiled, "So you are a family friend! Kokichi never mentioned you before, so we can only assume that."

The former classmates and their kids cringed.

Shuichi shut his eyes, waving the gold ring on his hand, "Actually, I'm Kokichi's husband and Kiyomi's other father. But, if this school, Westerburg, I believe, really is as welcoming as you say it is, it won't be a problem." He opened his eyes in a glare, "Right?"

Linda and the other homophobics looked visibly shaken.

"Alright, let's get started on the vaccine problem again!" Linda quickly started the meeting, "Ban them so our kids won't get autism!"

Shuichi groaned, sneaking a quick glance at Korekiyo, the two of them formulating a plan only using their eyes.

"There is literally no evidence whatsoever that vaccines cause autism," Shuichi deadpanned.

Linda growled, "Of course there is!"

"Like what?"

"I don't have to explain it to someone like you, you faggot!"

Kokichi smiled one of his signature creepy smiles, "You mind saying that again?"

Linda stumbled, before regaining her posture.

Shuichi leaned on one arm, "Ouch. Being insulted by someone who doesn't know how to use make up. So insulting." He waved at his eyeliner, "This is how you do eyeliner. Not that sloppy mess on your face. Also, Rantaro, tell me you see her nails too, right?"

Rantaro slammed his face on the table before quickly pulling back up, waving his arms around, "Girl, you do not fill in your cuticles! Your manicure will last way longer if you don't! Also it looks like you put a matte top coat on, which would be fine normally, but you put it on top of a holographic top coat. What's the point of even putting on the top coat then?! And you tried to make a gradient with holo and creme! You don't do that! Plus that free style looks horrendous. Have you ever heard of nail vinyls? It's okay to admit you're bad at free style. No one's gonna judge you." He moved his arms around dramatically, relieved to finally be able to rant about the bad nail polish job.

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