Though throughout her adventures she has collected unique items that she stores within a room in the Tardis and may use later in her life or she visits them within the Tardis to think of the old good time. Her personality is quite bubbly. Though she can get hot-headed and angry at times due to humanity's stupidity. (Only certain people) She emits an all round aura that is warming and welcoming. She is very funny, loving, selfless and protective. As all Time lords/ladies, they all have a high genius level, out weighing the most intelligence people on the Earth. Violet has also the ability to build/design advance technology due to this high genius level. She tries to explain the internal dimensions that work within the Tardis, but people can't understand her explanation much.


Regeneration - This is the main ability to allow Time Lord's to be renewed, causing a complete physical and often psychological change. Allowing to change all aspects of themselves or even to change gender. The occurrence of this can happen due to illness, wounds, or near death experience like old age. There is also a choice to regenerate or not. There are sometimes delay if the Time Lord wishes it.

Telepathy - This is a psychic ability to sense and manipulate thought, which often manifested as mind-to-mind communication

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Telepathy - This is a psychic ability to sense and manipulate thought, which often manifested as mind-to-mind communication. Telepathy could take varied forms: from an exchange of images, experiences, to associated emotions and even mind to mind conversation between two or more individuals.

 Telepathy could take varied forms: from an exchange of images, experiences, to associated emotions and even mind to mind conversation between two or more individuals

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Omnilingualism: This allows Violet to understand every language in the known universe and written communication. She is able to understand animals, babies, aliens and so on. The ability is useful in different countries or when she is on another planet with another species.

Genius-Level Intelligence: Due to her being a Time Lord, Violet shows high intelligence throughout her adventures. She is quick to learn new skills and has a craving for knowledge. She reads books on mathematics, chemistry, physics, medicine, psychology, history. Violet is able to understand the most complex things that are in the world, and has vast knowledge of everything she has seen and read over the years.

Master Engineer: Violet is an exceptionally engineer, she is able to keep her Tardis up to date with the internal components and is able to fix them if they are damaged. She is also great at constructing devices out of parts that she has within her Tardis, she as also made a workable Sonic Screwdriver.

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