Early Nights, Old Friends, Starbucks

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Well, i got a few comments. So i decided to continue. But I got 2 votes *audience cries*

Well, i really want to get votes to see if you guys are liking my story. And um, well Yea. 

So, here is the next part. :)

Oh, and I wanna call you guys my Dreamers. 

^.^ Hehe. :) <3



 We were all at the house and it was 8:00 at night here. The boys were absolutely bored and kept nagging about it. I had no idea what to do so I just sat there on my phone texting Tammy. She said her parents were gonna be gone ALL summer on traveling around the states.

“NATALIE I’M BORED! Who are you texting?!” Louis yelled grabbing my phone when I had finished sending my text.

“Well, isn’t that dandy? Please tell me more.” I said with fake excitement. “And if you must know, I am texting my friend Tammy. She lives in Wisconsin. And she is ranting to me about how she has nothing to do this summer because her parents are traveling around the states for the whole summer. Now, if you would please just be quiet and stop whining!” I said the last part a little rude, but seriously he was 20 years old, he needs to stop acting like a 2 year old.

“El, your sister just yelled at me!” Louis said dropping my phone on the floor (almost breaking it) and jumped into her lap.

“She was always the mature one in the family.” El laughed rubbing his back. I rolled my eyes and texted Tammy back. She had to go because she had decided to go shopping.

“So, this Tammy girl, is she hot?” Harry asked immerging from the kitchen alongside Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Dani. I looked at him oddly and shrugged my shoulders.

“Here’s a picture of her. It’s from May, when we were on our class trip to California.” I threw him my phone which he caught.

“Oh, she’s good looking. When can we meet her?” he asked smiling still looking at my phone.

“Never...? I don’t know, she will be sitting at her house bored for the whole summer.” I said looking down, feeling bad.

“Then invite her to come stay with us.” Harry said still smiling. We all gave him a quizzical look.

“Aw, does Harry have a wittle cwush on Tammy?” Louis asked pinching his cheeks. He rolled his eyes and gave me my phone back.

“I’ll ask her. She’ll probably say yea, let me call her.”

I dialed her number and put her on speaker. “Hello? This is the fabulous Tammy!” she said cheery. That’s how me and her answered each other.

“Hey, um, I have a question for you.” I said. I could tell she was in the car because I heard the radio on.

“Speak.” She commanded.

“How would you like to stay at my sister’s boyfriend’s house with him and his friends and me for the summer?” I asked.

“In London? Wait, aren’t they One Direction or whatever?” she asked. She really didn’t have a care in the world for them.

“Yea, so what do you say?” I asked praying for dear life she would say yes.

“Sure, I’ll catch the next flight there. I’ll text you when I get home. OMG GUESS WHAT?!” she squealed. If only she knew she was on speaker….

Last Name Calder. First name Natalie (One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora