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Guys I'm going to be honest here. I hate teenage troubles. I had this vision of how my story would go but now I'm not really liking it. First of all mostly everyone has forgotten what this story is about and that is completely my fault. Secondly there are details I want to change but to do that I would have to completely start over. I don't know what to do right now but I don't want to disappoint the majority of the readers.

Maybe you have noticed but I started writing a new fanfiction called Psychotic (5SOS Fanfiction) so if you're interested I would love for you to give me some feedback. I also made a trailer for it if your interested in a visual to know what it's about briefly.

My new story helps me start fresh and actually enjoy writing it without pressure and I've already have the sequel planned out.

So if you would like, I would love to start fresh on a One Direction Fan fiction. I was thinking to incorporate teenage troubles and secrets (I don't know what happened to that story) into one big fanfic. Let me know everyone!!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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Teenage Trouble (on hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat