Chapter Eighteen

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Shout out to crazy1Dwriters and 1dfanficfreak for helping me pick a gif :) and anyone who messaged me later thank you for taking your time top assist me :)xx

Ashley POV

Harry hmm, well not for long. I got to find a way for the girls to leave the house and all meet Harry without them knowing. "Hey Ash have you seen my phone" I spun around to see Katelyn there full of smiles. I shoved her phone in my back pocket quickly. "Mm no I haven't actually. What does it look like? You know if I come  across it" I played it cool, I didn't want her questioning me. "It looks like yours. Same colour" Was she really that stupid, would she really think what a coincidence we have the exact same phone. "Wow weird! Hey you know what we should leave the house tonight for some fun. You know catch up on our friendship with our wild adventures" I said enthusiastically. "Yeah sounds great!"


 Katelyn's POV

"There's nothing in my house! I'm ordering pizza" Kenzie jumped up on her counter with her home phone in hand. "Didn't you have pizza last night Kenzie" Gabriella ask out of suspicion. "Yeah. what's your point" Gabriella and I just giggled to ourselves. I wish I had the luxury of eating pizza everyday but mom likes to keep it healthy. There's nothing wrong with that but I NEVER get to eat anything bad, unless I sneak it. "I'm watching my figure. I can't eat pizza" Ashley snarled, I tried to turn it around and make her positive like the rest of us. "Girl you don't need to watch your figure you are so skinny and gorgeous the way you are." I smiled showing off my perfectly straight teeth. "Awe thanks, but maybe you should start the diet with me" She laughed but not a sweet chuckle. A rude obnoxious laugh. My smile complete dropped. "Don't worry about it. She's been acting up since our fight" Gabriella whispered in my ear and pulled me to her side. "Whatever I'm eating pizza screw this diet shit!" Kenzie exclaimed. God I love her, she was amazing and made me laugh for the simple comments. I really do wonder why Harry would leave such an amazing person like her.

~Later during the sleepover~

We stuffed our faces with pizza expect Ashley of course 'gotta watch dat figure, even tho i'm da skinniest bitch'. That was so rude of me but I can't stand her. I want things to work, I really do but she is making things difficult. I just really hope nothing slips from my mouth, I'm becoming a little drunk. Ashley decided it was best if we drank, it makes a sleepover ten times better. I didn't go to much sleepovers but I always thought it was pillow fights and well what I see in most movies. Other than being drunk, I've noticed Ashley always giggling with her phone. She was texting someone this whole night and she will not say a word who it was. We bugged her a bit but nothing was said other than 'He's so funny' or 'It's nothing guys stop asking'. Finally Ashley put down her phone, she finally had time for us at a friends sleepover.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Ashley said excitedly, Gabriella responded by clapping with joy. She was pretty strange while drunk. "You can stop clapping loser" Ashley said jokingly and bumped her hip against Gabriella. "LET'S ALL SIT IN A CIRCLE" Gabriella yelled. "Gabby chill!" Kenzie laughed. "Gabby I love that name. It sounds.... so FUN!" We all decided to let her just feel excited, so instead of telling her to calm down we just laughed and ignored her stupidity for the rest of the night. "Two rules! You must and I mean MUST do all dares, and only get one truth or there will be consequences" Of course Ashley would add that rule, this should be interesting."Okay who wants to go first?" I asked looking around at the girls. "ME ME ME! PICK ME" I laughed and pointed at 'Gabby'. "Okay go Gabby!" She rested her pointing finger against her chin, looking up at the ceiling, like she was in a deep thought. "Ash!.... True or dare"
"Truth, i'll do dares when the alcohol sets in like Gabby"
"Okay.... oh i got it!" Gabriella paused like she forgot what she was thinking, but in seconds her face lighten up like she came up with an idea. "Jack! Did you and Jack do it yet? DETAILS" Gabriella chucked the pillow at Ashley demanding an answer. "No, and the reason behind that is because I'm not a whore. I want to wait" Ashley motioned her head to me and giggled with Gabriella. I'm think Gabriella just laughed because she has been laughing non stop and has no idea whats going on. But Ashley on the other hand meant it, she can't get it through her head I'm not a slut. I swear one day I'm going to punch her so hard in the face, I don't care if I lose all my friends because of it.

Teenage Trouble (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora