Chapter Nine

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"u-mm no of course not!" I stuttered and quickly looked away so the boys couldn't see I was lying. "You're lying" Liam laughed. "Shit" I said under my breathe. I turned my head to look at Niall and Liam with a fake smile showing my teeth.

"So I thought Zayn and Ashley were together what happened?" I said trying to change the subject. I couldn't tell them I like Harry cause then it was real. I can't fall for any guy, it would turn into a disaster, so if I tell no one my feelings for him will fade.

"You're changing the subject" Niall said putting his hands on his hips. "Just tell us and we will tell you what happened" Liam and Niall's eyes just stared at me waiting to speak. Should I tell them? Keep it a secret? What if they tell Harry...

"If I tell you something do you promise to keep a secret?" I asked nervously. "YOU LIKE HARRY!" Niall said jumping up off the couch.

"Niall! I never said that" I pouted. "Yeah I know but you said it was a secret you wanted to tell us. You liking Harry was a secret" Niall said smirking.

"Maybe I was going to tell you a different secret!" Liam started to laugh along with Niall, I looked at them confused. "Kate you just admitted it" Liam smiled. Shit I did... I'm so bad at keeping my mouth shut.

"Kate has a crush on Harry! Kate has a crush on Harry!" Niall repeated running around the room, "Shh! You idiot I don't want the world to know, especially not Harry" Niall came and sat back down across from Liam and I.

"Why don't you want to know? If you like him might as well tell him" Niall asked raising his brow. "Because! I just can't okay, he's dating Ashley anyways" I felt a tear form in my eyes, I wasn't much of a crier so I had no Idea I would get so emotional about Ashley dating the guy I like.

"We will hook you two up!" Liam winked and stood up. I grabbed Liam's arm so he wouldn't walk away. "No, no, no! Liam you can't! and you either Niall! This is my secret I don't want him to know, please don't say anything! Promise?"

They both nodded "Promise" They said together. "Good. Now what happened between Zayn and Ashley?" I asked once again, I really wanted to know.

"Umm well actually we have no idea" my mouth dropped. "What! You said if I told you about me liking Harry you would tell me" I stood up feeling anger build up.

"Yeah I know but... we honestly don't know. That was the only way for you to tell us" Niall said.

Now both Liam and Niall know my secret and they didn't even tell me about Ashley and Zayn. I glared at Liam. "Hey! It wasn't me Niall said it" Liam put his arms up as defence. I looked over to Niall with a death stare. "Oh god" Niall stood up. "You going to get it Niall!" Niall bolted down the hall way and I chased after him.

After a few minutes of running Niall ran back towards the front door which is right by the living room. I jumped on his back and tackled him down. "Gotcha!" I laughed pinning him down.

"Trying to get with another guy Kate?" Harry asked walking in the front door. "No umm, I was just.." Ashley, Zayn, Louis, and Gabriella entered behind. "Looks like she wants him, but he doesn't want her. Don't give in Niall she has herpes" Ashley laughed and walked into the kitchen. I was no longer on Niall I sat beside him ready to cry

Niall sat up and looked over at me. He put his arm on my shoulder but I pushed it off. "Don't touch me" I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Kate what wrong?" Niall asked standing up as well.

"Didn't you hear! I'm a slut that has herpes!" I yelled so everyone could hear, throwing my arms up. I shoved past Niall to the door. "Kate don't leave" Liam stepped in front of me blocking the door.

"Why not, I don't want to keep the boy in my bed waiting!" Liam grabbed my arm. "What are you doing, I know this isn't you"Liam whispered. I looked over to Harry who was just staring at me. "Maybe it is" I said and left the boys flat.


"Where were you!" My mom yelled as I walked into my house. "I went out!" I yelled back and flopped myself down on the couch. "You were slutting around weren't you!" My mom threw a dish towel at me.

"Yeah mom! I was! and let me tell you he was so good in bed!" I rolled my eyes, if I told her the truth and said I didn't do it she wouldn't believe me. "That's it! Tomorrow is your last day you're switching schools!" My mom picked up the phone, I'm guessing to call the school.

"Mom you can't do that! Cheer leading!" I yelled grabbing the phone out of her hands. "Cheer leading is a waist of time!" My mom left the room, and I heard the door slam behind her. Gone I'm guessing.


*Knock Knock*

"I'm coming!" I yelled running down the steps, I swung open the door and Harry was standing there "Hello?" I said confused, why would he be at my house. Thankfully my mother still was gone, or she would kill me if I had boys in the house.

"Harry?" why was Harry at my door, he despises me... "What are you doing here.." I was kind of worried, it was late. Why could he possibly come to my house. "I wanted to see you" Harry stepped in shutting the door lightly.

"I don't think you should be here" I said quickly waiting him to get out of my house before I became tempted by him and his sexy toned figure. "Harry..." He stepped closer towards me and placed his hand on my cheek sending chills down my spine. His lips lightly pressed against mine making me say no more.

"I like it better when you don't speak" Harry whispered smiling. "me too" I said smiling. "Is your mom home?" Harry asked taking his shoes off. "No why?" Harry grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs. I had so many nerves, butterflies in my stomach.

Harry stopped at the top of the stairs, I'm guessing he didn't know which way was my room. I lead him to my room, and he smiled shutting the door behind him.

Harry turned me around so our eyes met, his hands rested on my hips. His lips kiss my neck, nibbling at my skin. I tilted my head bad feeling pleasure from Harry's presence. Harry then moved his hands up my slide lifting my shirt up.

His hands moved back down my body, to my butt lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he kiss my chest softly.

"Harry." I moaned. "Red light" I giggled. "Why" Harry placed me back down on the floor but continued to kiss my neck. "Don't you like to have fun. I thought that was all KittyKatKate wanted" Harry looked up and met my eyes.

"Yeah I do.. but my mom is going to be home soon. We will continue this later" I bit my lip and put my fingers through his hair. "Why can't you just be my girlfriend" Harry kissed my lips one last time. "I don't like relationships" I lied, all I wanted was a relationship with Harry. He was sweet, that is when he wanted to be.

"I was jealous you were with Niall and Liam" Harry said putting me down. "Sorry but I was lonely I needed a guy" I winked and Harry pressed against my body.

He kissed my lips and pulled away biting my bottom lip. I know Liam and Niall were just my friends but Harry didn't need to know that. I wanted him to be jealous so he could fall for me.

"Well I'll be your guy" Harry wrapped his arms around my waist once again. I looked away from Harry trying to avoid any eye contact with him. "Harry you should go"

"Goodnight Harry" I smiled as he left my house. I ran upstairs upset, I picked up my phone and dialed Ashley's number but hung up instantly when I realized I didn't have her to talk to anymore. No one to express my feelings with. I could always call Niall or Liam but it's not the same.


Hey guyss so if you read my message on my message board I said I had bad news. Well I got a job again, and I'm starting to work every weekend so I don't know what updates will be like. I will update though, cause I want this story to continue!

Anyways I hoped you liked it, like always votes and comments for next chapter! xx

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