Chapter Seventeen

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I ran home with tears running down my face; I quickly packed up my clothes in my school bag and headed straight to Kenzie. I don't know why I fell for him, I should of known he was like the rest. He didn't care for me; he never wanted a good relationship. He was bad news, and tonight I need to forget about everything. I need to change, delete kittykatkate for good. 

I picked up my photo looking at all the messages I have received. As soon as I was about to delete my account things thought cross my mind. "maybe I shouldn't" I caught myself speaking out loud. I didn't have the guts to delete it, something was holding me back. He was holding me back, if I deleted my account it's like I was getting  Harry out of my life. A minute ago I hated him, but now I want him. I NEED TO MAKE UP MY MIND. Maybe I'll just leave the account, just not be active. It's not like its going to do any more harm then it already has.

My phone buzzed in my hand making jump and lose my train of thought.

Harry: I need to see you

I shook my head. He's an idiot and I'm more of an idiot for falling for a guy like that. Before I could respond my phone buzzed again. 

Kenzie: Are you coming or not? The girls will be over soon, and I thought we should talk first.

Me: Yeah I'll be there in ten minutes. 

I stuffed my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my bag full of clothes and other accessories.


I ran the door bell and turned my back to the door admiring the out doors. I don't know why I always do that, little weird but I like to get to know the area. "Katelyn, about time!" Kenzie yanked me into her house shutting the door behind. "Are your friends here yet?" I asked a little nervous. I didn't know what to expect, I was hoping they were like Kenzie; nice, and a true friend. "No, I wanted to talk to you first. come on upstairs" Kenzie pulled on my arm and up to her room.

The first thing that caught my eye was her trash bin; strange thing to notice I know. But inside with a bunch of tissues was a picture of Kenzie and a very familiar boy Harry. I focused on the smiling, His head was upon her shoulder, her cheeks were rosy pink, his arms looked like they wrapped around her tight like he would never let go. Most importantly that's thew happiest I've seen Kenzie and Harry, and who knew the happiest moment would be when they were together. "What are you looking at?" Keznie's voice took me out of my daze.

"erm nothing just... so what did you want to talk about" I changed the subject because it was getting very awkward. Well for me anyways. "Harry" My eyes widened and definitely took me by surprise. "Harry.. why Harry" I started to panic, I really don't know why. Maybe it was because I had feelings I've never expressed to someone before or maybe because she knew something about Harry I didn't want to know about.

"Because you need to know something about him" Her voice screamed sadness inside, every time she mentioned Harry I could see her pain slowly bringing her down. I nodded in agreement, talking about him would help take away some pain for the both of us.

"I need to tell you about us. You need to know why he is such a bad person and why to stay away." I just stood there feeling a bit of anger build. I couldn't stand her saying Harry was a bad person, I just didn't want to believe it. "Harry and I dated, you clearly found that out today at school because of that awful argument. I want to say we were in love, he made me feel that way. He made me feel like I was the most important girl on this planet. But it's all lies. He didn't love me, he only wanted to break me; she did too. Celeste was my best friend and she just went behind my back like that!" Kenzie broke into tears, I wanted to know more of what happened but her hurting was more important. I couldn't bare to see her in pain. "Screw Harry and Celeste. Kenzie, you are an amazing person. Don't waist your tears on them, it's not worth it" I pulled Kenzie into a big bear hug. "Just don't trust Harry. please. If you are my friend never speak to him again" The door bell rang and Kenzie let go of me, quickly wiping her tears like nothing happened. "That's the girls" she put on a fake smile and left her room.

Teenage Trouble (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora