The father was silent, he wiped at his tears and sat up straight in his chair. "I'm full of regret for my actions. It was the way your grandfather raised me though, and it's was what I grew up thinking was right. I know that doesn't justify anything but I just wanted you to know that I am aware that you didn't deserve it, and your mother definitely didn't either." Jungkook was left silent, tapping his foot along the ground, waiting to be dismissed. 

Jungkook was not planning on changing his mind, he wanted to get out of the house and set himself free. His father noticed and continued getting to what he needed to say. "The marriage has been voided, Rose's father agreed to merge companies without collateral." He exclaimed getting Jungkook to nod in understanding, he was never going to go through with it but he was glad that both CEO's came to their damn senses. 

"Please don't move out, at least not yet. Let me help you find somewhere nice, so that you can continue attending college. I want you to take all the classes you wish, get your degree with whatever major you desire and I'll pay for them all. I just wanna make it up to you son, I wanna make amends to our broken relationship, please. You're the only child I have, this is my responsibility." 

The father declared his honest words while releasing billions of tears down his face, finally understanding what being a true supportive parent actually meant. Jungkook didn't respond, he merely stood up and walked towards the doors with his mind was replaying what he just heard. It was what he wished his father would've told him sooner, before he insulted him, and disrespected Jimin because now he didn't want the offer.

"You always wanna buy me with things, you always throw money around think that it'll solve everything. Bills don't repair broken hearts, they don't make the shit you say hurt less and they won't make me ever forgive you. I don't want your money, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You told me you wished you had another son, well now you don't have any." Jungkook said departing from the office after saying his pace.  

The father sat alone, shedding tears to himself over the realization that he single handedly fucked up his relationship with his son and his wife, he had no one on his side in the giant mansion, everyone was against him and it wouldn't be long until he was behind bars, for all the shit he's done in his life as well. 

Fraud, embezzlement, multiple cases of sexual harassment, and counts of rape from his employees and his own wife. Jungkook's father was just as horrible as Han and his days were numbered because no one like him should be walking the streets peacefully. Jungkook's mother was making sure that it happend sooner rather than later. 

Jungkook made his way towards the kitchen to find Jimin and his mother sitting down at the table. "What're you two talking about?" Jungkook questioned smiling over at Jimin who had no ounce of displeasure on his face, if anything he was grinning widely from the conversation he and the wonderful woman were deeply getting into. Jimin was relieved that at least Jungkook's mother was nice, she was sweet and even made him tea to calm him down. 

Jungkook took a seat next to Jimin, he leaned in and stop his a kiss from his lovers plump lips to taste the chamomile tea. He parted and placed his arm around Jimin's back and pulling him closer to his body before nuzzling his face into his lovers soft skin, never wanting to part from him but his mother's voice got him to pull away and focus on her speaking.

"I was getting to know this wonderful person that brings you so much happiness. You were right Jungkookie, he does have a beautiful smile and just listening to him talk I can see why you have fallen so deeply in love with him. Jimin you're a good person, and I'm so glad that Jungkook found you to keep his spirits high and courage strong." She exclaimed getting teary eyed. 

"Thank you, but it's Jungkook who is wonderful." Jimin declared before Jungkook said, "No, we are wonderful, together." getting his lover to giggle and blush hard at how sweet the younger was time over time again. The mother was smiling along with them, content with the love her son found in someone like Jimin, happy that things were slowly getting better around them.

"Did you speak to your father?" She questioned getting Jungkook to nod and take a sip at Jimin's tea, refusing to meet her eyes. "I think you should take the offer. I'm being selfish and I wanna keep you close but there's going to be more to it. I'm filing for a divorce and everything will get better soon, I promise you Jungkook." The woman stated with a wide smile. 

Jungkook frowned at looked over at Jimin who was puzzled and wondering what happend. "I just wanna be with you. It doesn't matter where we are, I'll follow you anywhere Jungkook." Jimin told the taller. Jungkook was silent, thinking it over until his mother said. "Stay here tonight and think it over please. Let me get to know Jimin some more, and stop hogging him, he's not going anywhere." The woman laughed.

Jungkook was pouting, he brought Jimin up from his chair and set him into his lap to kiss at his neck, "Never, Jimin is mine, I don't wanna share him with anyone." The younger declared earning sweet giggles from his lover trying to wiggle away, but the strong arms were wrapped around his waist and the kisses were nice, trailing along his neck before reaching his lips.    

"Kookie!" Jimin whispered breathlessly, slightly moving his face but the younger kept his lips on the plump ones. "Jungkook show some manners! This is a kitchen not your bedroom!" The mother declared smacking her son across the table with the cloth napkin in her hand. The action got Jungkook to stop and good thing because his hands were moving to rub between Jimin's inner thighs almost getting a moan out of him. 

Jungkook apologized, he let his flushed boyfriend take a seat again, blushing hard from the arousing kisses and unable to meet the woman's eyes anymore because of it. They stayed a little longer keeping the mother company, and giving her all the answers she wanted to know about Jimin, his interest, what he liked to do for fun and she felt pity finding out the life he lead after leaving his family. 

The woman was glad though that her son was making him happy and forgetting his troubled past. Then soon Jungkook was taking Jimin upstairs towards his bedroom to sleep for the night. They showered together and of course kissed nonstop, they were cherishing the others existence, thankful for being able to live another day in each others arms.

Moments later and they all dressed up for bed, the two lovers curled up together in Jungkook's giant bed. The younger had his face buried in his tiny boyfriends blonde hair, inhaling his shampoo scent, "I love you." Jungkook mumbled planting kisses along Jimin's bare back, leading up to his nape and ears. Jimin was a giggly mess, his lovers touches were always so incredible, "and I love you too."

They pressed their lips together while they brought their bodies closer, feeling the heat radiate off each other to create one giant burning flame of desire. Jimin and Jungkook were finally liberated, free to love each other without any stupid unnecessary obstacles tearing them apart now and the two still couldn't believe how lucky they were to have found their saviors.

Both of them considered the other to be their own personal superhero. To Jimin, Jungkook was his rescuer from his miserable life and horrible abuser, and to Jungkook, Jimin saved him living a lie, stuck in a loveless marriage. With Jimin in Jungkook's life now he was truly able to experience pure adoration for another person who felt the same passionate love for him back.

The two no longer felt helpless or lost because they now had each others never ending love and support. Jimin and Jungkook were made for each other and the universe knew this the entire time it just made them jump through several hoops before they could enjoy their beautiful pure eternal love for each other.

*story not over yet okay*

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