Jimin's attention was pulled away from the family when he groaned pained groans on the ground. Han was pissed as fuck, practically growling in anger as he set his eyes on Jimin who was leaving Jungkook's side to get closer to him. Jungkook gripped at his lovers arm, holding him back and shaking his head, but Jimin needed to say his peace, once and for all and the younger followed right behind.

Jimin sighed, he slowly knelt down next to Han who was pressing hard on his thigh that still had the bullet deeply embedded inside. "It's over Han. You will never be able to lay a fucking hand on me or any other innocent soul again you sick piece of shit." Jimin spat between his teeth, glaring at the face of his long time abuser, feeling his hate for him slowly die because he was finally truly free from him. 

"I loved you Jimin. I gave you everything and this is how you fucking repay me? I was there for you when you had nothing you ungrateful bitch!" Han barked out angrily, wincing from the pain when he shifted even a little. Jimin scoffed in disbelief. 

"You should've loved me differently, without violence, without degrading me, and without forcing me. You brought this upon yourself, and it's about time you pay for all the fucked up shit you've done."  Jimin expressed before moving away from Han to cling onto Jungkook who was standing behind him the entire time, ready to attack, on alert in case Han tried something. 

Han was cursing Jimin's name until there was a loud banging at the door, the police were finally there, and within seconds a few armed officers were rushing inside with an EMT crew. Officers took the gun Jungkook handed over while the medical team hurried to place Han on a gurney, carefully taking him away to the ambulance while two detectives stayed to ask the family questions.

"Hello Jeon family. My name is Jung Hoseok, I am with the Seoul detective agency, do you all mind running me through everything that went down?" The agent told them as his partner checked the entire mansion. The detectives had stayed an hour or less with Jungkook's family, getting all over their statements in order, gathering intel from the everyone including the frightened maid that was hiding upstairs.

"Okay, that's all the info I need, thank you for being cooperative and we'll process these reports as soon as we can. Don't worry okay, I'll fill you in personally, take my card in case you have any questions." Agent Jung Hoseok exclaimed giving the small white card with black ink writing that had his contact information over it to Jungkook, but he was looking at Jimin, knowing that he was the one more distraught about this situation. 

"He's gonna be in jail, right? He's done so many bad things Mr Jung, he's a fucking monster and he needs to be behind bars." Jimin said with tears in his eyes. Hoseok nodded his head and set his hand over the younger's shoulder, "We know, trust me he's not gonna ever taste freedom again, with your report and those of the others, it's enough to have him rotting in jail forever." He said getting Jimin to think about the remaining strippers.

"They're okay, they're currently at the hospital, one of them was badly injured but they are with the two security guards that worked there. Everyone is gonna be okay Jimin, there's nothing to be scared of anymore, you guys did good here." Agent Jung Hoseok exclaimed before leaving departing from the mansion leaving Jimin turning to Jungkook and begging him to take him to the hospital, feeling guilty for leaving the four strippers behind.

Moments later, Jimin and Jungkook had made it to the hospital. Upon reaching they found Jackson and Jaebum, the former stripper visited the other strippers, filling them all in with the details of Han's arrest and they all felt relieved. Even if they all had their differences, they were all united by the same evil puppet master, Han, but thankfully he was gone now and they were free to live their own lives.

Jackson and Jaebum told the Jimin that they had raided the strip club an hour ago and found a shit load of money in his room. He had countless duffel bags filled with cash that the strippers would earn on their nights, Han had kept it all stored away in his room. The two males took the money before the police found it because they were planning on using it to help the other strippers to get settled into their own lives. 

Jackson gave Jimin his and Taehyung's earnings, and it was too much to to simply had over in the middle of the hospital so when they reached Jaebum's car Jimin and Jungkook's mouths nearly fell open by the amount that was there on hand. It was nearly 10 duffel bags, stuffed and fat with all over their good, hard earned money, "Wow, I could've paid for my college tuition with this." Jimin frowned as Jungkook loaded it into his car.

 "Wanna go take this to Taehyung now? We could hang out with them for a bit, maybe ask them if we can crash there in the meantime we find our own place." Jungkook told his lover who was nodding and frowning again at the thought of the taller leaving his life behind for him. Nonetheless, Jimin hopped into Jungkook's vehicle after bidding his farewells to Jackson, thanking him for finally doing what was right and feeling a little sad that he'd probably never see them again. 

Jimin wasn't going to miss the strip club at all, he would forever push the memories of Han and everything that happened away into the darkest corner of his heart but he met nice people along the way, people just like him, unloved by their parents, broken internally, and homeless, but so full of life. "Thank you again for saving me Jungkook, I have no idea what would be of my life if I would've continued living there. I could've ended up doing what Mark did." 

Jungkook turned to his lover and stoked his blonde hair back, rubbing his cheek with the back of his hand while the other one was gripping the steering wheel. "Baby, you don't need to thank me. I should've done it sooner, I shouldn't have hesitated. I knew there was something wrong, I could see if in your eyes." Jungkook exclaimed, frowning and focusing on the road ahead of him, hating himself for not stepping in sooner. 

"It's okay my love, we are happy now and with that money, you can take those photography classes you always wanted to take. You don't have to live by your fathers rules anymore, I'll help you live your dream as much as I can." Jimin told Jungkook who was thanking the traffic signals for flashing red so that he could shift and stare at his lover's beautiful eyes. Jimin was smiling brightly, determined to repay Jungkook for everything. 

"No, it's your money baby. I could never ask you to do that. I'll figure out something out, don't worry about me okay. I just wanna live happily, and in peace with you." Jungkook said. He leaned in and left a kiss along Jimin's forehead before pushing the gas pedal and taking his lover towards his bestfriends house where they would stay in their company until it was time to venture back into the mansion where Jimin wasn't wanted.  

JIKOOK 😥😥😥😊😊😊❤❤❤❤

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