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I was devastated as I watched my loved smile halfheartedly down at Harkin who was completely unaware of his dad's sadness. One thing about Gabriel, he never knew how to ignore what he felt, he loved so much, he cared with his entire self and so, he couldn't ever hide from himself or anyone how he really felt.

I walked over to them and sat down on the floor and Harkin came for me with the speed of a vampire, he had been a blur before he bumped into my arms, making me lean back with a laugh.

"Woah! Someone is fast!" Harkin laughed and rubbed his cheek onto my cheek.

"Papa! I hungry." He pouted then and I laughed.

"What would you like?"

"Ice cream!" His eyes lit up as he spoke and I looked at Gabriel who smiled lovingly at us, his eyes unfocused and I could feel the conflict within him. I wish it didn't have to be this way... That it wouldn't have to come to this, but I didn't know what to do. I had no clue on which steps to take to make it better for him.

"But you need  food before desert." Harkin frowned at me and tilted his head.

"But ice cream food." He argued folding his arms over his chest.

"It's a desert, for after actual food. Food that is healthy and will make you strong."

"But ice cream healthy, makes me strong!" He stomped his foot and I narrowed my eyes at the boy.

"Are you really taking a tone with me?"

"What tone?" Harkin asked tilting his head to the side in the cutest way ever.

"Right now, it just means you are being mean and talking loudly." Harkin widened his eyes and wrapped his arms around me.

"No! Papa, sorry, don't want to be mean." He whined and buried his face in my neck. He really was the sweetest thing in the world. I caught sight of Gabriel's tears but he worked to get rid of them fast.

I took Harkin into my arms, as he continued to apologize in his own way which always consisted of nuzzling our necks and hugging us until we forgot. It was adorable really.

The boy was remarkable to say the least. When he was was scary but, he had been so strong from the beginning. I chalked it up to being a hybrid, but his growth was also very scary. By the year he had already started looking like a three year old, but, he seemed to have stopped growing by then, stuck looking like a three year old and I was hoping it wasn't permanent. Only time would tell really.

I took us to the kitchen and tried to be him off but he wouldn't let go.

"Harkin..." I sighed and he tightened his hold. "If you don't let go...I won't forgive you." He whimpered and pulled his head from my neck to pout at me, his eyes watering.

"Okay..." He sniffed then and I pit him in his chair and kissed his forehead.

"You're forgiven babe, don't worry." I told him and he just looked up at me with a pout. Gabriel walked in moments later and sat down beside Harkin, trying to cheer the boy up.

I prepared a meal and smiled once I heard our hoy laughing and Gabriel smiling big. I dished out the food, which was macaroni and cheese and just watched them eat. Gabriel ate his half and then gave Harkin the half he  didn't finish because Harkin had a huge appetite. It got me thinking about blood. I wondered when he'd start craving it, when he'd ask for it, if he ever thought about it.

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