chapter nine- bubbles

Start from the beginning

He couldn't figure Liana out, how the girl was always so obscure with her feelings, her expressions were often impossible to work out unless she wanted you to know how she felt. Maybe it was because she had grown up under the iron ruling of her sister, or because she had no real parents or guardians to look after her or provide advice, but she was harder to read than a brick wall.

"I'll see you later-" he nodded at Ron and Hermione in slight disappointment before drifting off back towards the school, thinking of visiting the library.

LIANA had spent the last two hours in the three broomsticks with Ron and Hermione, laughing at Ron's terrible potions essay that had achieved a whopping T grade, standing for troll, the worst grade it was possible for a Hogwarts student to achieve. And even the pair of them teasing her about Harry for some reason.

"So what is actually going on between you and Harry?" Smiled Hermione as she nudged Liana.

Liana choked very loudly on her butter beer and slammed the tankard back down on the table in surprise.

"W-what?" She coughed as her eyes watered, trying to pat herself on the back.

"Come on Liana- you and Harry must have something going on?" Ron persisted as he handed Liana a napkin to wipe up the drink she spilt.

"What gives you that impression?" Liana shook her head as she laughed at the pair.

They were really crazy she told herself.

"You always hang out together, and- well Harry always talks about you?" Faltered Hermione, looking a little put out.

"I'm pretty certain he doesn't even like me as a friend. Sorry to disappoint but hell will freeze over when I'll date Potter."

"So you would date him-" Ron waggled his eyebrows suggestively as he slurped down his butter ever.

"Shush Ronald" Hermione gave him a quick kick under the table to allow Liana to continue.

"But over there-I'll happily date that one" she pointed towards a extremely good looking boy in the far corner. He had golden hair and bright eyes and was resting against the bar talking to Rosmerta as he sipped on a bottle of fire whiskey.

"As if- you can't just go up to a randomer like that," chortled Ron.

But it seemed he'd spent so long with only Harry and Hermione for company he'd forgotten that not everyone was afraid of external social interaction.

Liana clambered to her feet and brushed her coat down smoothly, tossed her hair over her shoulder confidently.

"Watch and learn," she grinned, loving the idea of a challenge. She marched over to the boy, leaving Ron and Hermione at their table with their mouths hanging open.

"She didn't just walk over there. Tell me I'm seeing things Hermione?" Asked Ron as he raised an eyebrow incredulously as Liana said something to the boy and held out her hand with a large smile, her teeth shining in the light.

"No I'm seeing this too Ron-" confirmed Hermione with amusement as Liana gestured towards the door while looking at the boy. The boy nodded and draped an arm over Liana's shoulders, his tall height dwarfing her.

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