"Hey!" I yell, trying to jump back but slipping on the puddle under my feet. I crash back to the floor drawing the attention of every person in the restaurant.

The four people sitting at the booth can't control their laughter, their heads through back as exaggerated squeals echo around the nearly silent restaurant.

"You should be used to being on the floor," Alan smirks, "that's where most trash ends up."

One of the girls snickers as she looks at me in pity. "You look fucking pathetic. No wonder Shills took pity on you."

Connor leans around the other girl, malice in his eyes as he drops his voice even lower. "On your knees again? Wow, this must remind you of that New Year's Eve Party with Frank, huh?"

All of the air is punched out of my lungs as I can no longer breathe. My eyes water as I struggle to hold back my tears, looking down to the floor.

"What is going on here?" Rob asks, slamming open the door to the kitchen as he comes into the main area. I struggle to get off of the ground, my shoes squishing from the build-up of soda inside of them.

"Oh, nothing sir," Alan smiles sweetly. "My friend just accidentally spilled his soda and your employee here was getting ready to go clean it up."

I clench my teeth together as I struggle to hold in my emotions, waiting for the right moment when I can escape back to the kitchen. Rob looks from me, to the puddle on the floor, to the completely empty cup in front of Connor, back to Alan and then sneers.

"I've had enough with you little shits tormenting my staff!" Rob folds his arm over his chest as he looks at the group like their dirt under his shoe.

I gasp in shock, not used to seeing this type of anger come from Rob. I've only worked here for since the beginning of January and he's never stuck up for me like this. The entire restaurant is tense as they watch the standoff between Rob and the group.

"I've seen y'all come in here time and time again; treating my waitresses like crap, leaving huge messes on the tables, not tipping. Just being a total nightmare!" Rob slams his hand on the counter behind him as he glares at every person in the booth individually. "I've had it! Y'all are no longer welcome in my restaurant. Get out!"

"You can't do that to us." Alan scoffs, not moving from his seat. His friends aren't nearly as confident, casting subtle looks to each other as they squirm in their chairs.

"You wanna bet?" Rob laughs. "I'll give y'all to the count of 5 to get out of my restaurant before I call the police. And don't worry about the bill because I don't want your dirty money."

Alan and Rob glare at each other without moving for a few seconds before Alan finally moves to get up. The rest of the group follows suit grumbling about the food being shitty anyways and not wanting to eat here ever again. As Connor slides past me he makes direct eye contact with me, sticking his tongue in his check while bobbing his fist in front of his mouth. I barely hold in a sob, forcing my eyes back down to the ground.

No one says anything until the door shuts behind them, a collective sigh resonating throughout the entire place as people begin to whisper to themselves. I still crouch on the floor, not wanting to attract any more attention to myself by getting up.

After a second Rob looks down at me, a soft smile on his face as he extends out a hand to me. I take it gratefully, unable to make eye-contact with him as he helps me off the floor and leads me back into the kitchen. I can no longer hold in my tears once the door swings closed, streams running down my face as I drip coca cola onto the linoleum.

At that moment Allison slams open the back door, apparently done with her break. "Oh my God what happened?" She gasps, rushing over to me.

I can't respond, my mouth clenched closed as I try to hold in my sobs. Rob doesn't explain either, simply telling her that I am going home early. I take that as my cue to leave, untying my apron and grabbing my keys before I walk out the back door and around the building to the parking lot.

I fumble with my keys, my hands shaking so badly that I can barely unlock my door. I stumble into the driver's seat, slamming the door behind me and locking the doors to make sure I'm safe.

Calm down Kenedi. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Just calm down.

Once I'm in my car I shakily extract my phone from my back pocket, clumsily scrolling through my contacts until I find the person I'm looking for. I press the call button through blurred eyes, silently praying for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey baby!" Jude yell's through the phone, the wind in the background making me think that I'm on speaker in his car. "I thought you didn't get off work for another 2 hours?"

At the sound of his voice I can no longer hold in my sobs. "Can you please come pick me up?" I wail into the phone.

Silence emanates from the other line for a second before Jude's equally hysterical voice yells back at me. "Are you crying?? Kenedi what happened? Are you still at work? Ken, what happened?"

"Please just come get me." I cry, unable to explain through the phone.

"I'll be right there." Jude yells before the phone disconnects abruptly.

I drop my phone away from my ear and lean my forehead against the steering wheel. I need to get a grip. I can't ben crying like this when Jude comes. I need to calm down.

A few minutes later I hear the sound of a car screeching into the parking lot. A car door slams before someone starts banging on my window. I look through blurry eyes to see Jude slamming on the window while trying to open the door.

"Kenedi what happened?" He yells, still trying to open the door.

I pull the lock up before Jude throws open the door pulling me into his embrace as I start to cry even harder.

"What happened?" He asks, his voice filled with panic. "Why are you all wet?"

I can't get out a single word, my face buried in his chest as I try to get a grip on myself. After a minute he stops asking questions, just holding me to him quietly as I continue to cry.

"It's gonna be okay," he murmurs into my hair. His hand rubs comforting circles on my back. "It's gonna be okay."

A/N Here you go! Another chapter!

Is this a whole other side to Kenedi or what? Were you expecting this kind of reaction from her being bullied like this? What do you think happened with Frank at that party that has her so freaked out?

And how do you think Shills is going to react to this? Whose ass do you think is going to get kicked?

Until next time y'all!

Much love,


The Cliche Gone Wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें