Chapter Seven

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"What part of 'we're going to be late' do none of you comprehend?" I yell up the stairs, tapping my fingernails on the banister.

"Take a seat and relax," Kahlil yells as he runs down the hallway toward the bathroom.

"No, I need to finish my hair!" Jazzy yells, bounding after him in hopes of beating him to the bathroom.

"And I need to be on time for the first time all month!" I scream, knowing that it won't make any difference.

Accepting the fact that I'm going to be late and walk into the family room, plopping down on the couch as I close my eyes. But my phone vibrates in my back pocket signaling I got a new text messages. I pull my phone out of my pocket as I stand up from the couch as I step up from the recessed landing and walk over to the kitchen, grabbing the five lunch pails on the island. For once, the sound of stampeding feet beats me into the hallway.

"Where's my lunch?" Bug asks from the opening to the hallway.

I hold out one of the pails as I unlock my phone, navigating to my messages to see whom texted me. But the number is unsaved, and I don't recognize it except for the area code. Rowan takes my place on the couch as Bear bounds into the room, tugging on Bug's hair as he walks up to me. I hold another pail out to him, although he grabs a different one out of my hands, nearly knocking my phone to the floor in the process. I look up from my phone briefly to glare at him, but the sweet smile on his face makes me roll my eyes instead.

I look back down at my phone to read the message, frowning at the screen. "Hey there Hayes!"

My frown deepens. "I'm sorry, who is this?"

I don't get an immediate response, so I turn to the twins who are bickering on the couch.

"Stop!" I command, stepping toward them. "Bear, go get Jazzy and K and tell them that if they don't beat me to the car they can take the bus."

Bear groans as he stomps out of the room and back up the stairs. I tuck my phone into my back pocket as I pull Bug off the couch and escort her to the front door. While the rest of my siblings are still inside and unlock the van and put Bug into her booster seat turning around just as Bear runs out of the house with Kahlil on his tail. I toss Kahlil a lunch pail as I walk back to the front door, shouting to Jazzy that she has five seconds. She bounds down the stairs just as I finish my sentence, smiling sweetly at me as she grabs one of the two pails still in my hands. My phone vibrates again in my back pocket. I pull it out as I lock the front door and make my way back to the van.

"You forgot me already?" It reads. "My feelings are hurt."

I shake my head as I tuck my phone back into my pocket and get into the van, turning on the vehicle as I check the clock on the dashboard. Oh my God! I might actually make it to class on time today!

20 minutes later I'm running late for class.

I screech into the only space available all the way at the back of the lot, throwing my backpack onto my shoulder as I sprint to the main building. The tardy bell wrings as I throw open the door, eliciting a groan from me as I run down the practically empty hallway.

So close. I was so damn close!

I slow my run to a jog, knowing that to Mrs. Baez it doesn't matter if I'm 30 seconds or 30 minutes late. Maybe I should just skip first period altogether. I purse my lips as my jog turns into a walk. But as my first period door comes in sight I see someone leaning against the wall next to it, looking down the hall in the opposite direction. I sigh quietly as I prepare myself for this inevitable conversation. After a couple seconds he looks over in my direction, a breathtaking smile taking over his face.
"There you are!" He calls out, pushing off the wall to walk toward me.

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