Chapter Fifty-four

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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," I mutter to myself as I ring the doorbell twice. 

I peak through the side window to see if I can spot Jazzy, who is supposed to be inside the house somewhere. I start ringing the doorbell repeatedly, giving up all my manners as I look both ways down the street behind me to make sure that Killer isn't pulling up early.

Suddenly the door flies open, a furious Jazmine glaring at me from just inside the house. "What the hell is your problem? Kenedi isn't even here!"

I smile gratefully at her, happy that she finally opened the door. "Yeah I know she's not."

I hold up the purple bag filled with gold tissue paper and an assortment of candies tucked inside. "I wanted to drop this off for her! Can I put it on the front table?"

Jazzy laughs as she steps aside and allows me to walk into the front hallway. "Wow, what did you do to get into the dog house with Ken?"

"I didn't do anything!" I place the bag on the edge of the rectangular table, so that it will be the first thing Kenedi sees when she walks into the door.

"Yeah that's probably what you did wrong," Jazzy laughs knowingly, leaning against the demi-wall that separates the hallway from the family room.

I laugh along with her as I turn back to the door, unable to spend any more time here unless I risk getting caught before I can finish everything. "Just casually remind her that she's supposed to pick up Chi, okay?"

"Whatever you say, loverboy!" Jazzy follows me to the door and shuts it behind me, not even bothering to tell me goodbye since I'm over there so often nowadays.

I race to my car and jump into the driver's seat before I peel off down the street, taking the long way out of the neighborhood so I don't accidentally drive past her. As I'm speeding back to my house to put the finishing touches on everything my phone starts ringing. I silently pray that it's not Kenedi, so I won't have to reject her phone call, but as I look at the screen I see Alan's information pop up.

"What's up man?" I answer.

"Hey! You're still coming over tonight, right?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll stop by later." I step on the gas to make sure I catch a yellow light, needing as much time as possible to finish getting ready. "What's the plan?"

"The usual," Alan replies nonchalantly. "Next weekend most of us were planning on making a big trip up to New York, did you wanna come?"

I scrunch up my face as I switch lanes to maneuver around a particularly slow car. "Next weekend is senior ball."

"Yeah, and?" Alan laughs. "Going to the city for a weekend will be way better than being in the ballroom of some hotel dancing to shitty music while trying to pretend we aren't drunk out of our minds!"

I laugh, automatically recognizing the truth to what he is saying. "I mean, yeah that would probably be more fun, but I already asked Kenedi to Ball!"

Alan barks out another laugh. "From what I heard around school, no. You haven't."

I roll my eyes at that, annoyed that all of my business is constantly public knowledge. "Well, I'm asking her right now, so either way it's a no."

"If you haven't asked her yet then don't do it!" Alan pleads. "Hell, you can even invite your little girlfriend with us! I'm sure she would love to spend a weekend with you in New York!"

I stop to think about that for a second, the appeal of being alone with Kenedi in a different city drawing me in. That does sound a whole lot better than just going to Senior Ball, and we could always ditch my friends and just go off on our own for a while. Maybe we could even...

I shake the thought out of my head. "I'll talk to her about it, but I'm pretty sure I already know her answer."

"It can't hurt to ask!" He replies. "And maybe it's a chance for us to finally get to know her too? I mean, y'all have been dating for a couple of weeks or whatever and she hasn't hung out with any of us even once!"

I don't say anything about that, because I'm sure we both know the reason she hasn't hung out with any of them yet.

"But yeah, I'll see you later at my house, okay?" Alan finishes.

I agree before I hang up and pull into my driveway. I take a moment to just sit there thinking over my options. I'll definitely still ask Kenedi to ball. But maybe after she says yes I'll give her another option? Maybe instead of the entire weekend we could go to New York after Ball and just spend all of Sunday in the city? What girl would say no to an all-expenses paid trip to New York City?

I nod at the plan before I jump out of my car, running inside to make sure that everything is perfect for her.

A/N I know, I know. It's a short chapter. And I'm sorry to leave you on a quasi-cliffhanger, but I didn't have the time to finish writing out the full promposal! But I pinky promise swear up and down, that you will get the full promposal within the next 36 hours. 

But until then...

What did you think of this chapter? Shills is working pretty hard to make sure Kenedi gets the promposal of her dreams? But do you think he is going to ask her to blow off Ball to go to New York with his friends? Do you think Kenedi would even want  to do that? And what was that thought that Shills didn't want to let himself finish?

Leave some comments and let me know what y'all think might happen within the next couple chapters!

Much Love,


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