Chapter Seventeen

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I toy with one of the fries on my mostly full plate, paying more attention to Shills than this poor excuse for a burger. He suspiciously avoids looking at me, not even attempting a conversation as he munches on his own burger. I try to pick up on any of the subtle movements I starting reading about a couple weeks ago in a book I rented from the library.

It looks like his shoulders are hunched over a little more than usual, but that could be because he's eating. I think those are bags under his eyes, but that could just be because of the after-party one of the jocks threw last night. I look at his hands as he raises the burger to his mouth, his nail beds ruined and jagged with torn cuticles.

Maybe that's something.

"Have you watched any good shows lately?" I ask, making sure my voice sounds welcoming.

He smiles as he looks up at me, the burger halting midair. "Is that the best you got? Wow, I thought you would start by asking if I was touched as a child."

I nearly choke on the fry I just put in my mouth, coughing loudly as I reach over for my glass of Fanta.

"I'm kidding, girl, damn," he laughs, biting down on the burger. "Wouldn't it be ironic if Killer got killed by choking on a French fry?"

I smile weakly, reevaluating my plan. I'm in way over my head. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. I haven't even finished that fucking book yet. Why the hell am I here?

I interlace my fingers in front of me as I look at Jude, taking in the bags under his eyes once more. "So how was the party?"

This time he chokes, a hacking cough surprising me as he pounds on his own chest. I reach over to clap in on the back but he already has himself under control, waving me away as he sips his own soda.

"What did you hear?" He asks.

I frown at that evasion, questioning what he doesn't want me to know. "Nothing. I just thought I would ask."

"It was pretty good." He nods, picking up one of his fries. "What did you get into last night?"

"Just hung out with some friends." I answer plainly, hoping that will satisfy him so we can turn back to the main topic, but he chews on the fry more than necessary.

"Friends like that guy who was flirting with you at the game last night?" He questions.

I frown at him, trying to figure out whom he could possibly be talking about.

"No one was flirting with me..." I draw out, still trying to think of what guy was flirting with me.

He scoffs, picking up his burger again as he takes another large bite. I stare at him as he chews angrily. Why is he acting like this? I just want to know why he is such a colossal douche all the time! I cock my head to the side as I watch him eat quietly, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Why are you acting like this?" I ask, unable to figure it out on my own.

He doesn't look at me while he keeps eating his food. I start to eat to, hoping that he is taking the time to think of an answer instead of just ignoring me. As I shove another fry into my mouth I hear the jingle of the front door to the burger joint opening. I look up and watch as two guys that I recognize from the basketball team come in, walking up to the front counter as they prepare to give their orders. I prop my elbow on the table as I subtly cover my face with my right hand, hoping they won't notice me when they walk past, or even better, are taking their orders to-go so they won't walk past at all.

Shills doesn't notice my sudden awkwardness, still stuck in his own little world. But when I take the opportunity to peek around my curved hand I spot the captain of the basketball team staring straight at me; his eyes flickering between my face and the back of Shills head.

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