The loud thump caught their attention, their eyes on Sydney who had fallen out of her chair. Lydia's mother immediately rushed to the girls side. "Sydney!" She checked the girl. "Are you all right?"

Sydney forced a smile on her face. "I'm okay. I just got kind of dizzy."

Her eyes fell on the rash on her arm. "Sydney, how long have you had this?"

"I don't know." She replied, a shakiness in her tone. "Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?"

The woman stood up, forming a fake smile on her face. "No, um, it's fine. Everybody stay in your seats." She glanced at the man sitting at the desk. "I'll, um, be back in a minute. Nobody leaves the room." Emily raised a brow at how weird the woman was acting and glanced over at the girl, her eyes on the mark on the girls arm. She frowned. She stood in her seat while majority of the class got up and listened to Lydia's mother speaking outside. "Get back! No! Do not come in here! Get back outside! Back to your seats. Now. Please. I need the number of the CDC. Yes, the Center for Disease Control."




"Bet they're thinking smallpox." Stiles said idly as they all stood in the classroom, no longer taking the test since apparently Ms. Martin called the CDC.

"Not likely." The instructor who sat at the desk said. "Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest." He paused. "It killed cows."

Emily glanced at Stiles who was scratching himself. "So we should be comforted by that, right?"

"Unless it's something worse." Simon the instructor said.

The vampire sighed, hearing everything going on outside. "Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously. They're a lot of cars and trucks out there." She glanced at her boyfriend. "Your dad's with them."

"Hey, I should probably call him."

"Don't bother." Emily eyed the man who spoke suspiciously. "They would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi. No one starting a panic." He told Stiles. "Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens."




While the CDC had showed up to run tests on all the student, the supernaturals had slowly started to feel sick themselves and slowly starting to lose control over their shifting. While they had been in line to get checked Kira had shocked one of the doctors with her electricity and it was soon after that they regrouped in coach's office. "It's still happening."

Malia panicked when she noticed her claws were out. "I can't make them go back."

Mr. Yukimura eyed Scott and Malia. "Obviously the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being."

"You guys have to stay out of sight." Stiles said, glancing at Emily who wasn't showing any signs yet that she was sick. "We have to quarantine you from the quarantine."

Kira exhaled nervously. "Yeah, but where? I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon."

"We shouldn't stay in here." Scott said. "Not in the locker room."

Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Where stories live. Discover now