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Izzie and I have been officially dating for a month, and it's been the best month of my life. Everyday, I pick her up at her house and drive us to school. Since Clayton is almost an hour away, we get a long time to talk, like we're warming up to the day together.

We'd get coffee on the way, she'd hold my hand while I drove. It was usually the most relaxing part if my day.

"Honestly, I hope nobody at school knows about us. I think we should try to stay quiet about it." She said restarting the conversation after we'd say quietly for about 30 seconds. We can never stop talking.

"Yeah. We wanna leave Clayton with minimal trauma. At Newton people are fine with two girls dating-" She cut me off.

"You mean LESBIANS?" She said trying to tease me, I just laughed it off and elbowed her playfully.

I was still getting used to what was happening, and my mom knew, but that was about it.

"Shut up." I said causing us to both laugh.


I parked the car in the parking lot, and we both climbed out.

"Hey Iz?" I looked around as I asked, "Are there people looking at us?" My face turned a bit red as I began to blush at the thought of people seeing us together. Izzie comforted me by wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we walked into school.

"If they are, screw them." She said after she stopped and looked at me.

My heart stopped when I saw Nate standing at my locker. I stopped in my tracks and reached for Izzie's hand. She grabbed it immediately, she knew exactly how to comfort me.

"For fucks sake, Nate." Izzie complained as we approached him. She squeezed my hand like she was saying 'it's alright, we got this'. Nate was leaned against the locker scrolling through his phone. He acted like he had no idea he was at my locker, blocking it.

"Hey, lesbians," He said laughing as he noticed I was holding Izzie's hand tightly. I tried not to laugh as Izzie gave him a death stare, and he moved so I could get to my locker.

"Have you guys hooked up yet?" He asked. Normally a comment like that would make my face flush, but not this time. I was ready to punch him, but I knew I couldn't because it would ruin my chance at succeeding at Clayton.

"Shut it, Nate." Izzie said standing between me and him so she was leaned against the locker next to mine. He rolled his eyes and walked away, allowing Izzie and I to relax again.

"Well, so much for keeping it a secret," She groaned before continuing. "that just means I can do this whenever I see you." She said as she leaned over and kissed my cheek, then reached for my hand again.

"Uhm, your being more adorable than usual." I said teasing her, causing us both to giggle as we walked to class, with our fingers held like a magnet was pulling them together.

The day went by, and after practice, Izzie came back to my house. We got back at 6:00.


Izzie was clearly flustered on the way home, but she was also really talkative and flirty. More than usual. But, I just brushed it off because it was adorable.

When we got home, we ran into Sam as he was heading out the door.

"I'm going to work at Techtropolis. Mom is at her group thing and then she's going shopping. She said she'll be home around 8. Bye." He said as we walked past us.

"Bye Sam! Have fun at work." Izzie said as she smiled and waved at him. He responded with a nod of affirmation, then waved back to her.

"So, we're home alone?" Izzie asked me with a some-what seductive look.

"Looks like it. Wanna watch The Office?" I asked as I dropped my bag on the floor, only taking out my phone to check social media.

"Yeah, sure! But can we watch it on your laptop? I wanna use the blankets in your room, I'm chilly." She said crossing her arms and rubbing her shoulder to warm up. She was clearly partly lying, probably about being cold, but I wanted to hold her, and that would be more likely to happen in my room, so I ignored it and agreed.

"Sure, Iz." I said smiling as I walked to the kitchen to make popcorn.

(2022 note: hi i just came back to delete the 'smut' but this book wont be receiving any other updates as of now <3)
next chapter coming very soon :)

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