casey's truth

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Today is the day I have to break up with Evan. I was up all night thinking about how I was gonna do it without him freaking out. We had school off that day because of some district meeting. It was also Friday, meaning Izzie could spend the weekend at my house. I heard a ding on my phone, and rolled over to get it from my nightstand and smiled seeing who it was from.

"Hey Newton! Good luck today! Text me if you need anything :)"

"Thanks, I will!"

I got up, and got ready quickly. I wanted to get this over with as fast as possible, but also consider his side. It's gonna be hard. I hustled downstairs to see Elsa making hash browns for Sam, and she tried to say "Morning, sweetie!" But, I was already outside. As I got in the car and sat down, I had a sudden realization of what I was about to do and what was happening. The drive to Evan's house was about 10 minutes, giving me 10 extra minutes to panic about what to say and do. When I pulled into his driveway, I was glad to see he was sitting on the porch, waiting for me. My heart started pounding as I turned off the car and got out walked over to him.

"Hey Case!" He said happily. He ran over to me and tried to kiss me, but I avoided it and went in for a hug instead. Gotta start somewhere. 

"Hey, so I need to talk to you, cause I'm really stressed, and just, I need to get this out. I don't wanna keep it a secret anymore." I told him, staring at the ground. His face got a sort of worried look on it as I said that. 

"Are you alright, Casey?" He asked in his concerned voice, which he never talks in.

"Not.. really..," I said quietly. "Evan, I'm just gonna say it. I think we should break up.." I said slowly as a tear ran down my cheek.

"What? Why? What's going on, Case?" He asked, shaking his head trying to get out of this nightmare.

"I love you, Evan. But, I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry... If it helps, I wanna try to become friends again eventually."

He got up angrily. 

"I knew it! Nate is taking you away from me. That scumbag..!" He yelled.

"It's not Nate, that would never happen, but it doesn't really matter who it is-" He cut me off.

"Izzie. It's Izzie, isn't it?" He said quietly, like he was having trouble believing himself. 

I nodded, silently, as I stared at the dirt beneath my feet. 

"So, your gay..?" He asked confused.

"I don't know, Evan. I'm confused right now and I just need to know whats going on. I'm so sorry. I think eventually, after we've both gotten over this, we can try to be friends again if you like."

He shook his head, and wiped his cheek to try to hide the fact that he was crying.

"I should go, I'm sorry, Evan." As I got in the car, he walked inside slowly, his face red from crying. As soon as I got in the car, I started crying too. The hardest part of breaking up with someone is that you can no longer hug them, or go to them for advice, and you have to watch them fall in love with someone else. I wiped my tears and called Izzie as I was driving out. She picked up right away.

"Iz?" I said sobbing.

"Hey, I'm gonna assume you did it from your voice. How'd it go?"

"I guess it was okay, but it also wasn't because I was breaking up with him." I said trying to toughen up my voice, but failed and returned to tears.

"I'll be over in 10." She said and hung up the phone.

What? I drove faster home so I could get changed into something cute, but comfy. I also washed my face to try and hide the fact I had been crying for the past 20 minutes, nonstop. 

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and I sat up as fast as I could. I pulled open the door and Izzie and I ran into each others arms. I had finally calmed down a bit, and stopped crying. But I started crying again. It was a mix of happy tears and sad tears. I cried into her shoulder as she held me in a warm embrace, burying her head in my hair.

"Hey, I'm here now, okay? Just take a deep breath." She said hugging me tightly.

This is why I love her. She seem very tough when you first meet her, but as you get to know her more, and more, she become this gentle, loving, sweet girl. She's always there for me when I need her most, like now. This is actually probably the worst condition she's seen me in. 

She poked her head back out of my hair and tapped me so I would look up at her. As I looked up at her with my face red from crying my eyes out, she kissed my cheek. It was gentle, and perfect. I smiled as she pulled me back into a hug. I sniffled on her shoulder as she pet my hair to calm me like a child. In that moment, I was glad she hadn't kissed me on the lips yet. I was glad she was taking whatever this was slow. After we hugged for almost 2 minutes, we walked over to my bed and laid down. As my tears finally slowed and we both looked at the ceiling, she asked me, "So, who is the person your in love with?" I rolled my eyes, and rolled onto my side to hug her. "I can't tell you." I said mumbling into her shoulder.

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