what are we?

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Izzie and I had been calling each other best friends the 2 weeks since we'd kissed. But, we both knew it was so much more than that. My mom knew, but she just let it happen, for once. And apparently, she knew before both of us, or at least me, because she sat me down and said she wanted to talk.

"Casey," She said before I groaned.

"Yeah, mom?"

"i just want you to know I will love and support you no matter who you fall in love with or date." She told me smiling. She then walked over and gave me a hug. At first, I resisted it. Then, I gave in, let out a sigh, and told her, "I really love her, mom." She hugged me tighter as she told me "I know, Casey."


I could hear the rain tapping on my window, like it was trying to get my attention. As I walked over to my window to close it, my phone chimed. I got a text. It was from Izzie.

"HEY NEWTON!! Wanna come hangout at my place sometime?"


Izzie had never invited me to her house. I found myself blushing a little bit. 

"Does tomorrow work? I'm gonna be home alone, so you won't have to deal with me trying to deal with my mom's dick of a boyfriend."

"Yeah, sure! I'll get a ride."


As we sat on the couch, Quinn watched me text Casey.

"Damn, Izzie. She likes you." She said under her breath.

"I like her too, I love her, but she's never been with a girl before. Evan was her first relationship and I don't wanna scare her if that makes sense." I said as she nodded. I am in love with Casey Gardener. We've had this sort of weird thing for the past 2 weeks, we've been holding hands, and texting each other sweet stuff, but best friends hold hands all the time, right? Maybe I was just overthinking it, but I didn't think so. But, the truth is, I was in love with everything about Casey. The way her eyes light up when she's happy, the way her smile sparkles when she see's me, the way her hair tosses itself when she's running. She may not think it, but in my eyes, she is perfect. 


I'm really really sorry this chapter is so short, but I've been really sick over the past few days so this is what I came up with. Expect more next time! also;


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