[2] izzie or evan

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After Evan left, I went for a run again. I run to clear my mind, and it usually helps.

I'm just too confused. I love Evan, but I think I might... also love Izzie. I've said it before, but its like we need to be friends. The way I feel about Izzie is completely different than how I feel about Evan, but I love them both so much. I don't wanna break Evan's heart.

Highschool relationships don't matter anyway. They never last. Besides, who would stay with me? I can't keep leading Evan on like this, either. It's not fair to him. He deserves to move on and be happy. Finally, I made up my mind, and I can't chose Evan. It's Izzie.

I texted Izzie.

"Hey Iz, I need your help."

She responded right away.

"Okay, whats up?"

"I need to break up with Evan because I'm in love with someone else. How can I do it without breaking his heart?"

"He's super in love with you and I'm not sure if you can break up with him without breaking his heart. People are way too complicated for that."

"Well yeah. I guess it's probably eventually gonna come to a point where I'm so in love with this other person, I just tell Evan."

"Yeah, probably. By the way, I broke up with Nate."

I smiled at my phone and laughed to myself.

"Oh shut up, Iz."

"Lol, okay. We still on for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, duh. I'm gonna need some moral support when I break the news to him."

I heard a knock on my door. It was Sam.

"Casey, what are you doing?"

I dropped my phone and grabbed my notebook from the end of my bed.


"Wanna watch a documentary about Antarctica? It just came out, and-"

"No Sam, sorry. Maybe later."

As he was walking out, he was about to close the door before he asked again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sam, I'm sure."

I smiled after the door closed.

The next day

My phone buzzed.

"Morning Newton"

That woke me up.

"Hey Iz :)"

I got up and got ready. I kinda tried to look extra cute without realizing cause I knew Izzie was coming over. I got mad at myself, but did it anyway. It's casual dress day at Clayton, so I wore what I wore to my interview.

The whole way to school, I was thinking. Mostly about Izzie, but also about how I was gonna tell Evan its over..

I was at my locker, and I felt a tap on by left shoulder. I looked to my left, but nobody was there. Then, they tapped my right shoulder. I looked over, it was Izzie.

"Hey Newton." She smiled at me.

"Iz! I'm so nervous for today." I said looking down.

"Yeah, I know. It'll be fine." She said.

"Sooo, who's the person your in love with Newton?" She said sarcastically.

"Screw you, Iz!" We both laughed.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked to practice.

I ran faster than her, but she was pretty close.


"You sure your parents are okay with me coming over?" Izzie asked me as we walked to the car.

"Yeah my dad doesn't care."

We got in the car, and my dad smiled.

"Hey Casey and-" He pauses. He must've forgotten her name.

"Izzie," She tells him. "Nice to see you again Mr. Gardener."

"Nice to see you too, Izzie. I'm glad Casey finally has a good friend at that uh, fancy school of yours."

As we pulled into the driveway, Izzie and I hopped out with my dad. We ran inside, to see Elsa in the kitchen making something. It smelled kinda gross, but whatever. We ran upstairs to my room. "Okay, we need to devise a plan. I have to tell Evan the truth, but I don't wanna hurt him." I said letting out a sigh.

"Well, he really, really loves you, Newton. Your gonna hurt him no matter how you tell him."

"Yeah, I know, but should I like, ask him to meet me somewhere or like, have lunch or something? I'm not gonna do it over text, even if I want to."

"Try meeting him at his house? That way he won't have to drive just to have his girlfriend break up with him. Cause you wanna make it easy for him, right? That's what I'd do."

"Thats a good idea. I'll text him"

I had two unread messages from Evan.

"Casey!! Hang out with me!!"


"Fuck, the guilt is just piling up now.." I said.

"Hm?" Said Izzie. I turned my phone so she could see the messages.

"Shit, Newton. Your gonna break him." She said giggling. I punched her in the arm playfully.

"I'm so dead." I said as I dropped my phone and fell back onto my pillow, Izzie followed soon after resting her head on my shoulder. "Hey." She said looking up at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being cute! I haven't broken up with him yet!"

I really did love Izzie. Everyday I fell more in love with her. She's usually the first one to message me in the morning, and the last at night. She's been there for me, and I've been there for her. It just feels special. I must've zoned out because she kissed me on the cheek, and laughed. I sat up and laughed with her as I said, "Izzie!!"

"You should tell your coming over tomorrow." She said.


"Hey Evan, are you available to hang out tomorrow? I need to talk to you, I was hoping I could come to your place?"

I hit send.

He responded almost immediately.

"Yes!! Can't wait to see you!"

I groaned, and Izzy wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "You got this, Newton." She smiled.

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