
I love every name and how my school mate used to be so scared of me, but that's the past , I do try my best to keep a low profile but people at my old school seem to find a way to make me snap.

Oh well that's the past! Let bygone be bygone is what they used to say.

Principal Matin give me a warm smile, he tilt his head side to side

"oh no no ! My dear ,I called you here to tell you a great news"

He said.

What could be that great news,


I always love good news. Well who wouldn't ,their good.!!

I smile brightly at him.

"I'm eager ( I laugh lightly) good news are always good, I love good news, care to tell me Sir"

He smile warmly at me again

"come, have a seat first"

He said while motioning the seat in front of his table.

I took a seat and as I look at him again waiting for him to say the good news he finally said

" you got the first prize on the test, you know the one that the community held"

Oh my god I won, sweet mother of jesus I won!!! .

What could be the grand price maybe a vocation to Hawaii or something, if it is I will definitely brought my friends with me . It's gonna be so fun.

I look at principal Matin and asked eagerly
"does that mean I am going
to receive a prize"

He smile brightly at me , though I have joined this school only this year principal Matin always favour me, that was so obvious, really it was a called for.

Through my studies here I maintain a low profile, never get into trouble, always get an A++ yes!! A double plus , you can say that I am a genius.

I can sing,

I won a 1st prize on different school competition held last month, that day was the best day of my life,

I can dance as well

Like belly dancing,I don't know just moving body, shake, shake shake


Anyway I am in this dance group ABCD (Any Body Can Dance) the best dance group I have ever been, our group received a 1st prize last month as well.

I really give alot of praise and accomplishment for this school.

Principal Matin chuckle, I can sense that he found it funny on how eager and desperate I look to receive the grand prize

"ah yes, of course, of course, here let me call them in , they will tell you what the price is"
He said.

What I am going to meet member of the community.


I'm m honoured.

The community are the one who gave the rule, maintaining peace in the society, and other !other !! their main focus is on how to maintain a balance in life. I don't really know what the last part meaning is.

Unbearable Possessive Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora