Aftermath - Chapter two: A Demon Face

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Chapter Two:

A Demon Face

When we left Max with Michel and his men, he has been captured rather than been kept. To integrate him if he works with other people, because in a world like this no one trust each other. Freedom don’t want any visitors from anyplace. Put it in your point of view, if you have enemy near to your territory would you allow visitors to enter your place? If you are a skilled politics you wouldn’t accept that. Especially in the Independers where you have three sides fighting each other.

The first enemy for Freedom is the closest one to them, Ravens. They are an independers country splitted out  when the tri-battle occured. Andor the first leader of Ravens was in fact a friend to Michael before the war happened. They both are the founders of Independers after the end of WW III. But things didn’t go according to the plan and they splitted up in the end. In Freedom they believe that Andro is a traitor, and decided to role alone. But in reality Andor did what he did for the good of his people, when he saw the separation in Michel's regime, and the unstable situation. And the same thing goes to Ravens city. They see Freedom as the evil country that does not believe in harmonism, which is a system/religion made up by Andro’s regime to make everything peaceful and out of disorder. So, both look to each other as bad as they think they are, and that what led this world to ruin.

In Raven everything is run by roles. Nothing is random. They even created a new religion called harmonism. Moreover, the goal of it is to make everything in order to be away from issues. However, harmonism’s role seems to be extremely strict and violets everyone's rights.  You can not hunt, kill, buy, or even make children without a permission from the people’s council. the council has the full control over everything the people want to do. People filte that their rights has been taken from them, and more controlled by their government. Furthermore, whispers here and there tells that Freedom are more free than Ravens, so that led some people who visited Freedom to name it that name.

What led a lot of people to move in to Freedom is freedom. The extreme control in Ravens made their people to lose hope and to run away, even it was made just to make their world perfect. So, this led both Ravens and Freedom to have a really bad relationship. Andro being the first leader had decided to focus more in the borders to stop people running away from his country, which will lead to put a bad reputation of Ravens.

When we put the spotlight on Andro, we see a very smart man. And a powerful leader that can precede his men to support him until the end, which made a lot of people to name him a Demon, Hitler II, and the snake. And he is also recognized as Demon face due to his burned facial look and body. He lost his face in combat where the entire hospital, where he was working as doctor in it, is burnt into ashes. And he was the only survival among all the doctors, nurses and patients inside the hospital. Andor managed to gather a big army as he also have some demand on MWB too, which gave him power to be big fish on the pound too. The MWB (Men Without Borders) is a group of a highly trained soldiers who only fight for money and guns. The group is known for their crucial work and horrible assassinations. Moreover, no one in the Merlaya continent knows who is their leader or where they live, they are just anonymous monsters that can be bought by just couple of bucks.

In one day, Andro woke up in the middle of the night scared and sweating. “Nooo, nooo,” Andro screamed. “Uhhh, it was just a another of those dreams” Andor said. He walked slowly into the balcony to breath a little bit to refresh himself. Andor looked at the sky wondering why he was the only survivor from the hospital incident. was he  punished or was he lucky? Then Indro took a look at his hand to see his wedding ring that he supposed to give to his co-worker Elizabeth. The one who loved, and shared emotions with each other. And as soon as he looked away from his hand he saw Elizabeth's face in the far distance.Andro just broke down crying saying, “Why me, God and not her”. And then he went back to his bed to sleep.

In next day Andro woke up again, but this time it was not a dream it was an explosion sound. It was two terrorist attack occurred in two places of the city made by Chaos rebels. These tirrouset people happened to be against Andro’s regime to disorder the people and to free them. And that made some of the cities to like them and follow them. However, because Andro is not easy to surpass he decided to make a speech to the people to regain their trust.

“Ravens citizens, hear me out. We are in a miserable time right now, I admit it. We have less food, less water and less oil to use. Terrorists attacking us everywhere. And traitors leaving us alone to join the others. However,we are the Ravens. We fought the tri-battle. We conquered the dictator's regime. And we made our city the most peaceful city in the whole continent. We will fight for what for us, it is in our blood. Allow me to tell you a story happened to one of us.A doctor in the South hospital was fighting to heal our heroes and to save hundred of lives. Suddenly,  a missile hit the building causing a great fire inside. Everything burned to ashes. Death was everywhere. But he survived. He fought death itself and won the battle. It was me. Everyone in that night surrounded to fate, and look what happened to them, they turned into ashes. Do you think I was lucky? No. So Do you want to be forgotten and to be turned into ashes? I don’t thinks so. What terrorists want is to kill you all. Hell, they are the real demons. They call themselves Chaos, and that can explain everything about them. They want to test your braveness. They want to end our legacy. They want destroy us. While in the other hand, we want honor, life, love, order, and most importantly harmony. So who do you all think is the real enem …” BOOM!!. A big explosion occurred in the city. Which enraged the whole city against Chaos terrorist organization. And suddenly, a sniper shot hitted Andro in his shoulder which it seems like an assassination attempt. And that enraged the city even more.

After the speech, Andro was picked up by the madic time and rushed to the hospital. And the second leader order his men to be in extreme defense state and look very carefully to any other terrorist attack.

After two weeks, Andro woke up from his coma. And the nurse saw him and she went away to tell the doctors that he woke up. After that the doctors immediately called the second leader to hurry up to the hospital. After 10 minutes, second leader arrived.

“I would like to be alone with him please” Andro asked everyone in the room except the second leader.

“How you feeling,sir?” asked the second leader.

“I’m fine, but it still hurt a little bit” Andro said.

“So, tell me? what happened? what is the aftermath?” Andro asked the second leader.

“Well, Chaos is no longer exist, but still there are some people who thinks that Chaos is their saver from you” the second leader said it with a smirk on his face.

“What about the traitors? Is the borders is secured?” Andro asked the second leader

“Yes, but we recorded some runners here and there, but it has been decreased in the last month” the second leader answered.

“I’m afraid that we can not continue peter. People are not stupid to not figure out what is really happening. Soon or later they will know” Andro said with a concerned expression on his faceless face.

“Don’t worry sir, everything will work according to our plan, and we will win the battle” the second leader said with another smile in his face.

“I hope so Pater, I hope so” Andro replied.        

To be continued …                                              

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