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(A/N: this is going to be vampire crap so dont read it if you dont like those things :P)

Starving. He was hungry for blood. That tasty thirst-quenching treat which runs down his throat and makes him go crazy. Fang waited till the sun managed to set and darkness ruled over to satisfy his hunger.

He smirked at the young girl who was walking alone on the streets,
Planning to make her his victim.


"I can't believe you left me Yaya!"
Said Ying in an angry tone.

"Im sorry~ but you know Im vulnerable when Boboiboy asks for my help!"

"Hmph!" She crossed her arms, as if her pink-loving friend could see her through the phone.
"Whatever, enjoy your date!"

"D.. d-date?! YI--"

Ying hurriedly hung up on the phone, giggling.
Yaya sure hit jackpot today.

Suddenly, a strong pair of arms grab her waist from behind, pulling her into a dark alley.
There was a hand over her mouth, muffling up her screams.

Then, *Blag!* the stranger had pinned her unto the wall.
"Shhhh.." He silenced her, placing one finger over her lips.
"It won't hurt~ I promise~"
He leaned in closer, filling a few inches between them.

Ying, who had no idea what was occuring, couldn't speak a single word. She looked down, her knees trembling in fear as the vampire, Fang, ran his fingers through her neck.

"How beautiful.." he muttered, his lips curving upward.
"Didn't your parents tell you to not walk alone in the night?"
Fang chuckled, biting his lip.
He could instantly dig into her.

Ying couldnt find her voice, and so remained silent. She never thought something as terrifying as this could ever happen to her.

"I.. didnt do anything to deserve this..." She merely breathes out, and Fang couldn't care less.

Without warning, he sunk his teeth unto the thin layer of skin on her neck, making Ying squirm, thrusting his 'fangs' and sucking up the blood.
Ying involuntary moaned in pain and squirmed under his tight grip. "S-stop..!" She pleaded, no longer able to manage the excruciating pain.

He pulled away for a second, cupping her cheek.
"Darling, it doesnt sound like you want me to~"

Without warning, he bit her again, leaving a mark.
"How bittersweet.." He whispered, licking her vampire bite to lessen the pain.


The birds chirped happily, and the sun was up.
Ying woke up, "where am i?"
She remembered nothing,
and so scanned her surroundings, finding nothing but a rose.

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