The knock became louder.

" Lea I know you're inside. Open the door " .

What should I do now?

" I will break the door if you don't open" Carter yelled.

I went slowly to the door and opened it.

" Kyle is not in the house. You can go now" I wanted to close the door but he pushed it.

" I didn't come to see Kyle." He said

There were purple circles under his eyes like he didn't sleep in one week.

" Who told you am here"

"Me. I know you're here because today in the morning Kyle was saying that you're okay. How did he know that you're okay if you weren't here?"

"Okay whatever. Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I know you're pissed at me and you're angry but please please let me explain"

" I don't want to hear Carter. I don't want to hear you're foolishness. "

" listen cupcake....."

"Don't ever call me cupcake or sweetheart or babe or anything okay?" I yelled

" look I promise I didn't mean to do that. She's nothing to me"

"Do you think I care about you and you're girlfriend? I didn't get angry or hurt because of that. I got hurt because you were saying I am acting like am angry to make you fall for me. Do you think I care you jerk?"

"No. I was really wrong when I said that"

"You should have thought about it before saying it."

"You heard everything?"

"What does it matter. You didn't even care much when Kyle went. You didn't even ask him or bother yourself following him" I turned my back and left.

"Cupcake" he was following me

" Lea, I am lea. Never call me that. Ever Carter. And don't follow me because am not going to listen to you."

" But"

I slapped the door in his face.

" Lea, I deserve everything you're doing to me but please just listen" he sat on the door and started crying.

I never saw a guy crying.

" Lea. I broke up with her and I dumped her"

" I said I don't care about her" I said behind the door.

" I never liked her. She's just... You don't know."

"And I don't want to know"

"Yes. I liked her as a sister first. I promise. But when I was in my worst mood. She helped me pass through it. She asked me to be her boyfriend. I was just shocked and surprise. I told her to give me some time to answer her question, but she never leaved me and as I said I was really in a very bad mood. I just said okay so she couldn't bother me anymore. She's just nothing to me lea"

"Okay I heard enough Carter"

"Do you want to know why I was in my worst mood? My dad died. Did you hear me. I couldn't think at all.Everything people tell me and ask me I just say yes because I couldn't understand how he died. I regret everything I pass through with Olivia. She makes my life a leaving hell. Did you understand why I am in a relationship with her?"

" Can you leave Carter?"

" Maybe this is gonna be last time you're going to see me. Bye" he got up and left.

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