Chapter Two

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Volt stood outside the jewelry shop, his back pressed against a car parked outside it. He turned to look over the hood, before whipping back behind it in time to avoid a blast of ice that coated the hood of the car.

"Still waiting on that backup." He muttered. Right as he said that a portal opened right next to him. Sparrow stepped out of the portal with two long metal feathers in her hands. She ducked and stood next to him.

"Who is this guy?" she asked. "I've never heard of him."

"Captain Ice is my arch enemy." Volt growled. "He stole a weapon from the lab after the accelerator went nuclear and nobody realized it until a few weeks later. As for his name, he stole something Nick calls a cold gun. It can reach absolute zero in ice, and it's the one thing that makes it almost impossible for me to get him."

"And that's why I'm here, Sparkles." Sparrow said with a smile. Before Volt could do anything, she hopped on top of the car. "Hey! Popsicle man! Over here!"

There was a strange muted crackling sound, and Volt slammed into Sparrow and sped behind another vehicle as a blast of ice struck the place she had been standing, freezing the car solid in a block of ice.

"Don't call him popsicle or anything like that." Volt said, a small smile on his face. "I've done it before, and it doesn't go well."

"Hey, I got this." Sparrow said smiling. "I'll distract him while you get the others."

"Ice doesn't get distracted." Volt said, frowning at her. "He's got a cunning mind and the reflexes and wits to go with it. He doesn't get fooled. You'll die."

"I have metal wings and swords." She said. "I think that that'll throw him off a little or is he really that good?"

"He can aim to hit me while I'm running at super speed." Volt said dryly. "He's good."

"Is he alone or does he work with anyone?" Sparrow asked. "I might be able to use that for my advantage."

Sparrow studied Volt's face. "You don't know. Ok, how did you beat him last time you saw him?"

"Uhh..." Volt said, smiling sheepishly. "You really think he'd still be out here if I'd beaten him the last time we crossed paths?"

"Well, I'm still here." She said. "You have to trust me. I can use my wings to reflect the ice."

"That gun puts things at absolute zero Sparrow." Volt said slowly. "At that temperature, all he'll have to do is throw something at your wing if he hits it and it'll break off."

"Can you heat my wings with your lightning?" Sparrow asked, spreading a wing.

"No. Not without frying you." He said flatly. "Metal plus electricity? Not the best combination."

"Well, then what do we do?" She asked flatly. "Can you just fry him if I throw some metal feathers at him?"

"I don't kill criminals." Volt said, glaring at her. "I take them in and get justice served on them."

"Ok ok ok! I swear you are the real life Batman." She said then rolled her eyes. "What about creating a feather taser? So that it doesn't kill him."

"To difficult." Volt grunted. "It'll take to long."

"Then what do we do!?" She yelled. A blast of ice landed next to them. "Can I just try to destroy his gun?"

"If you destroy the gun, it'll freeze everything within a two mile radius solid." Volt said. "Including us."

"Great!" Sparrow growled. "Just great! Another Tremor! How do we flipping beat him!?"

Volt looked past her, before grinning. He pointed past her shoulder, just as there was the sound of some kind of blast slamming into the shop. Turning, Sparrow saw Nick wearing his glasses, and he waved at her.

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