Kiss 13

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Aitana's POV

It took about ten to fifteen minutes before Cherry stopped the car. Lilly got out and so did Cherry making me follow. I didn't waste time to look around at my surroundings. We looked like to be at a fancy building. I feel like I'm overdressed just by looking at the place. Yes it is fancy and I'm dressed fancy but I think I'm too fancy.

Cherry walked in front of me while Lilly walked beside me with her arm linked with mine. I bit my lip as we walked inside. Inside was a huge ballroom with tables everywhere. There was people sitted and talking to each other. I looked at Cherry and she leaned into my ear.

"This is an gala for successful businessmen all over the world to come and they give speeches etc etc" Cherry whispered shrugging and smiled at me. I nodded and looked around the room. These people look so fake and the women look like gold diggers. I don't like it here. I turned to leave but Lilly stopped me making me pout like a child. They walked me to a table and stood me to sit which I did but not before crossing my arms over my chest like a child. Lilly sat on my right and Cherry sat next to her. I bit my lip and stared at my hands not knowing what to do.

"Welcome ladies and Gentleman!!" I heard from in front of me. I saw a old man standing on the stage. Everyone clapped softly making me do the same.

"As everyone probably knows, I am Theodore Williams the co-ceo of Yahoo. I like to welcome you all to this wonderful gala. I want to thank everyone who has came here tonight. In a minute we will have the food served and I ask for everyone to remain seated until the food is served. There will be an hour before I am back up here giving out our award of the night. The one thing we are all waiting for." Theodore said with a smile. I bit my lip and listened not knowing why me personally is here for. Theodore went on and on again about things that I didn't care about. Cherry and Lilly were both listening carefully to him with smiles on their faces. I looked around the room and saw everyone listening to what he had to say. Some women were talking quietly to each other as he talked. I looked toward the far corner and saw the man I was dreading to see. The man who hasn't talked to me in two weeks. Sawyer.

"Welcome again everyone and enjoy!" Theodore said as he finished his speech. He walked off the stage and i stood up. Cherry and Lilly stood up as well and went to stop me from leaving the table. I saw out the corner of my eye, Sawyer coming over to me. I quickly left the table and headed to the exit.

There is no way in hell I am staying here in a place where the man, who dated my best friend and didn't talk to me for two weeks, was at. I heard him calling my name but I did not care. I walked outside and looked around for where to go. I chose to go left and started walking down the sidewalk with a shiver running down my back. It was a little cold out here at this time of night.

"Aitana! Please come back inside!" Sawyer screamed as he chased after me. I didn't listen to him and kept walking. I do not want to talk to him.

"Aitana listen!" Sawyer yelled as he grabbed my arm and turn me to him. I didn't give him a chance to talk before slapping him. Hard. He didn't even flinch. What the Hell. I punched at his chest feeling my tears building in my eyes. He didn't stop me not once.

"Why am I here? Why did you have to leave me? What did I do wrong? Was I too ugly for you?" I asked nearly crying now. He didn't say anything but wiped my tears away. Thank God my makeup was waterproof or I would be looking like a zombie right now.

"I left because I didn't want to argue with you about something that happened before I even met you or even knew you existed. You aren't ugly at all, in fact you are the most beautiful sexy person I have ever met Aitana. You didn't do anything wrong, I shouldn't have left and should have just talked it out with you." He said with a gentle soft tone. I cried on and on not looking him in the eye. I feel so stupid for getting mad when we aren't even dating. Why am I even crying?

"I'm sorry" I choked out making him shush me and pulled me to his chest. I stopped crying but he rubbed my back softly until I finally relaxed. I think my period is coming to be honest because I feel all my hormones all at once.

"Come Dance with me." He whispered in my ear making me give a small nod. He took my small hand in his big one making me feel small sparks as we touched. I bit my lip when he looked at me again.

He started leading me back to a building across the street from us that looked like a fancy jazz club and took me inside. Everyone looked at us as we walked back inside. I wiped my face some, scared of how I looked right now. I wondered like he took me here and not back to where the gala was being held.
{Play the Song}

I've been so many places in my life and time
I've sung a lot of songs and I've made some bad rhyme
I've acted out my love on stages, with millions people watching me
Now we're alone and now I'm singin' this song to you

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor before spinning me in his arms.

I love you in a place where there's no space and time
I love you for my life, you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over, remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singin' this song to you

My breath was caught as he held me in his big safe arms and danced with me holding me soft and gentle.

You taught me precious secrets of the truth, withholdin' nothin'
You came out in front and I was hide, hiding
But now I'm so much better, if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody, because my love is in there hiding

His eyes stared into mine almost looking into my soul. There was so much emotion behind his eyes, I couldn't figure it all out. I bit my lip softly.

I know your image of me is not what I hoped to be
I treated you unkindly baby, oh can't you see?
There's no one more important to me, please can't you see through me?
Now we're alone and I'm singin' this song to you
Now we're alone and I'm singin' this song to you
Now we're alone and I'm singin' this song, I'm singin' it to you
Yes I am, I'm singin' to you, baby

A spun of me was all he did and my back faced his front. We moved around the dance floor with such grace and emotion it scared me some. He looked at me like I was the only girl here. I looked at him like he was the man of my dreams.

Singin' to you, baby, only you baby
Ohh yeah, I'm singin' this song for you

"Let me take care of you. Let me hold you at night. Let me love you. Let me be yours. Be mine." He whispered in a song like voice with a husky tone. I bit my lip harder with much force that I tasted my blue now red blood on my pink red tongue. I let out a gasp as he dipped me at the end of the lyrics. He started into my eyes while I started back.

Say Yes Aitana

you know you like him

"Yes" I whimpered and he lifted me up. The crowd that formed around us clapped and cheer at our dance. They didn't hear what Sawyer asked me which was great to me. He took mr outside and kissed me with a dominance yet soft effect.

"You're mine baby girl" he whispered as he pulled away. He led me down the dark road with excitment filling my body.

Little KissesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora