Kiss 10

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Aitana's POV

"I had a great time Sawyer" I said as we both stood in front of my door. I wanted to go inside by myself but he wanted to walk me like we in highschool again. After we went to the beach, we went and saw a movie because neither of us wanted this date to stop.

"I had a great time too baby girl" He said cupping my cheeks in his big hands. I blushed and pulled away looking down. He smirked and kissed my cheek before leaving.

"Goodnight baby girl" He said as he drove away. I waved after him and blushed when he winked. Hurrying inside, I went to my room and smiled at thought of the day I just had. Amazing was the words I would describe it as. Definitely Amazing.

It was about 10:05pm now. I hope Freyah is okay with Cherry. She hasn't ever seen her but I mean Cherry could be considered her auntie in a way.

Ana~Is Frey okay?

Cher~ Yes ofc did u ever doubt mi?


Cher~that hurts

Ana~ its suppose to

Cher~ damn

Ana~ anyway good night lovely

Cher~ Gudnight Chica

I sighed and yawned putting my pjs on. I put my phone on my nightstand and yawns.

BossMan~ You awake?

Babygirl~ yea now I am

BossMan~ I had a great time

Babygirl~ as did I

BossMan~ I will see you tomorrow

Babygirl~ Maybe

BossMan~ Bet

Babygirl~ GoodNight BossMan

BossMan~ Goodnight Babygirl see you tomorrow

Babygirl~ No u won't

BossMan~ We will see Babygirl ;)
Be Ready

I smiled and laid down. A bet it will be Sawyer. I yawned and shivered pulling the covers up my body before grabbing my favorite paris blanket as well. I snuggled in it and closed my eyes going to sleep.


"Mommy sleeping?"

"Yes dear now come on let's go to the kitchen and get you some food"

"I want to stay with mommy"

"Mommy is sleeping we can't wake her up"

"No mommy needs wakes"

"No she doesn't"






"No- why am I arguing with a six year old" I heard the older person said before opening my eyes to face the two loud ass people talking. Freyah and Sawyer stood facing each other with the weirdest yet cutest glares toward each other. Sawyer looked a big kid pouting over candy being stolen while Freyah just looks like a cute little girl who was trying to win something.

"Freyah Good Morning" I said coughing a little as I said that. She looked over at me completely forgetting Sawyer before climbing on my bed and hugging me.

"Mommy! That man was mean" Little Frey said with a pout on her face. I almost laughed at Sawyer's expression when she said that. He stared at Freyah's back with his mouth open wide closing it every so often like a big baby fish. I giggled a little and nodded.

"Such a mean man" I played along with her making me groan in frustration. She nodded and went on a rant how he was mean and would let her sleep with me while I was sleeping.

I nodded every so often to show her that i was listening when I really wasn't. I was actually watching Sawyer as he stared at Frey's back with the cutest playful glare as he listened to her rant about him. Picking Freyah up as I got up from the bed, I walked to my closet to look for a outfit for today.

"Hey baby girl" Sawyer said kissing my head. I smiled and he hugged me on the side that Freyah wasn't on. Freyah still pouted at him making him wink like he won. I frowned at them two and put them down.

Shrugging on my favorite black oversized sweatshirt and blue jeans. I put my hair in messy yet cute bun and grabbed some black flats to put on. Adding a little makeup on my face, I smiled in the mirror of the bathroom that I came to after putting Freyah down.

"Mommy can we go to the park?! Meanie brought doggy" Freyah jumping on me as I walked out the bathroom. I nodded and she squealed in my ear.

God This Girl Got Lungs.

"Come on mommy " Sawyer said grabbing my hand. I smiled and we walked to the kitchen where Cherry was making breakfast. She was humming a song and didn't hear us from under her headphones.

We watched as she danced and sang while she fixed the food. She has a beautiful voice but she was always scared to sing in front of other people by herself. She can do it if it is her and someone else singing together. Cherry turned and jumped nearly dropping her glass of oj. She frowned at us while we smiled innocent.

"Oh my god! How long were you guys there?" She asked as she looked like she was trying to calm down her almost heart attack.

"For the whole song" Freyah said not understanding all the way why Cherry was acting like that. Cherry frowned at me and Sawyer before turning back to her food that she was making. Sawyer and I shared a glance before laughing. Freyah looked at us and started laughing since she didn't know any better.


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