CH-18- Where are you now?

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I was in a dark room.
I was afraid.
Then I saw Jungkook.
Relief washed through my bones.
There he is.
"Come Minji." He said.
I nodded and ran to him.
But something held me.
The chains.
I was desperate.
I tried my best to break those.
But they won't bulge.
I screamed as Jungkook went away from me.
I sobbed.
Then I heard a dry laughter.
And I woke up with a start.
Indeed I was in a dark room.
But there was no Jungkook.
Only a man.
"Where..... Who are......" I could not think of a proper sentence.
"Hello Minji."
"You know my name?"
"Of course." He said , amused.
"Why am I here?" I asked.
"Oh.. Before that do you know how long you are here? Two days. You took your sweet time."
My jaw feel open. I was sleeping for two days.
Then my eyes widened as I remembered what happened.
"Why? I am just an average girl." I said as tears brimmed my eyes.
"No no! You are no average person. Not with that blood in your veins."
"What blood?"
"Well sweety since you chose to love Jungkook, your blood is precious. It is a power boost."
My blood? Is he also a wolf?
Loving Jungkook makes my blood...powerful?
"Yes. But not before the new moon."
"When is that?"
"After five days."
Five days?
Jungkook where are you now?
I need you.
For some reason I feel if I call him in my mind he will answer.
"Oh I forgot to say something." Said the man."I am Daehyun. Welcome to my house presa."


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