|33| Stop Smiling Fawley!

Start from the beginning

The two caught up for a while, chatting about Merlin, how Regulus's classes were going, and what new books they were each reading. Adelaide was pleasantly surprised to find out that James had continued to tutor the young Slytherin in Transfiguration, leading him to feel completely confident in taking his final exam the day before. But, soon lunch would be over, and Adelaide still wanted to finish her soup, so they scuttled back into the castle with bright faces and cheery dispositions.

"You look chipper." Sirius noted

"I made up with Evan." She said quietly. She sipped her soup and casually watched as the boys flared up in a mix of confusion and anger.

"WHAT?! THAT TOAD?! WHY?!" James yelled. There was a very good chance he would never forgive the boy for calling sweet Lily Evans that horrible word.

"YOU DIDN'T! THIS IS A JOKE RIGHT?! A PRANK?" Sirius screamed, flinging some chips towards Peter that were on their way to his mouth.

"No, I am being a serious as your name Pads." She said calmly. She took another sip of her soup as they all continued to spiral.

"BUT HE'S A TOAD! YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID ABOUT EVANS!" James bellowed, pointing at the auburn haired girl down the table. Lily blushed.

"WHAT COULD HE POSSIBLY SAY TO MAKE YOU FORGIVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Sirius screamed once again, earning more than a few looks from around the hall.

"Ugh. Calm down you dramatic poodle. I'll explain later." She said taking yet another slurp of her soup.

The two boys calmed down (marginally), but were clearly upset during their afternoon exam for Charms.

As soon as they were out of the classroom, all four boys practically pushed her to the secret room so she could explain.

"Explain. Now." James said sternly. It was a little difficult for Adelaide to take him seriously with his glasses crooked and left over flower petals (from that morning of wooing Lily) stuck in his hair.

"Stop smiling Fawley!" Sirius said unconvincingly, petals also evident in his own curly locks. Every time she smiled it made him want to smile too. He was supposed to be upset dammit!

"I'm sorry! I just can't take you two seriously with all the flower petals." She said dissolving into giggles, soon joined in by Peter and Remus.

"STOP IT! ALL OF YOU! THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MATTER!" James said furiously, knocking a few petals off of his head in the process. The giggles intensified.

Eventually, Adelaide composed herself to explain what Evan had told her.

"I mean, I'm glad that git finally apologized, but I still don't trust him.." Sirius said with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I know you don't." Adelaide sighed.

Later that evening Adelaide sat with the boys in their dorm, on top of Sirius's bed, gnawing on a licorice wand, deep in thought.

"Addy... you look like you have something on your mind." Remus commented, whilst flipping through his Herbology notes.

"She still hasn't made up with Mary." Sirius informed the werewolf.

"Ah. Saving her for last, huh?" Remus guessed.

She had indeed been avoiding making up with Mary. Of everyone she berated in her funk, she felt the most guilty for being cruel to her brunette best friend, who was practically a sister to her.

"I— I think I need to tell her about Evan." She told no one in particular.

"About Evan, or the hoards of boys that your parents are trying to marry you off to?" James asked.

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