The Drama Stops!

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I've returned children! I plan on slaying this shit as usual. In fact I'm going to make this chapter great! As I will every other one from here. Make sure you press that star at the bottom and vote! That's right; I'm bringing shameless plugging to Wattpad!

Ela stood there, frozen in shock. She had no words and really, no one did. Valkyrie had no way of explaining nor did I. Ela couldn't contemplate what was happening. She quite literally couldn't contemplate what was ACTUALLY happening.

"What the fuck Y/N! How could you do this to me?" She asked in a sad tone.

"Ela—" I tried to explain but was cut off by Ela.

"No! I don't want your bullshit! Meghan! You said you would back off!" Ela's tone was getting more angry.

Valkyrie shrugged in response. Ela looked ready to shoot her. I think she would've if Zofia didn't walk in and fortunately interrupt this event.

"What's happening?" Zofia questioned.

"Y/N cheated on me." Ela answered changing back to her sad tone.

"That's not good." Zofia said winking at me. Valkyrie took notice of this. She gave Zofia a threatening expression.

"Get out Meghan. You stay Y/N." Ela sounded angry again.

Valkyrie quickly left and so did Zofia, Leaving you and Ela alone.

"Why Y/N?" She asked again In her sad tone.

"I didn't Ela. I swear" I responded solemnly.

"I just went to Six's office and when I come back your in my bed with Valkyrie?" She returned not convinced by my statement.

"What? Valkyrie said you went on an operation and she had to watch your dorm." I responded confused.

"Why would She do that?" Ela conferred also confused.

"I don't know Ela. But I only love you." I was being truthful. I don't know what I could do without her.
She hugged me and I hugged her.

"You should probably go Y/N." Ela said out of nowhere.

"Why Ela?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know if I can trust you yet. you've just been gone forever and when I come back your in bed with her. Even if you didn't cheat with her I don't know what you've been doing. I can't just forget this Y/N."
Ela was Right. I had been unfaithful and even though it's not my fault, it was. I left her room. I don't know where I could go. It wasn't a clear answer. If I stay with anyone else Ela will for sure get mad. It would contradict her own reasoning but that's women for you.
It's a joke! It's 2018, if your offended by this you belong in a time where men would actually mean it! I love women by the way

I sat down outside of her room. It looks like I'll have to wait for her. You know what maybe I should just move on. What has she done for me? Sex? I feel like Twitch or Zofia could give me more besides their bodies. What am I saying? Ela is the one for me. But she put me out here. She's treating me no better than a dog. I liked it better when we were just friends. I wouldn't want to break her heart. I can't take it. This needs to stop. We haven't been on a date! Ela...Isn't What I need. Nobody here is what I need.

Zofia is a cheating thot, Valkyrie is a manipulative slut, and Twitch is...
Twitch actually fine., and she hasn't done bad by me. In fact the reason we broke up was because she moved here. Maybe she'd be willing to give it another chance...
What am I thinking!? Ela is my baby, I can't leave her. If I left her I'm afraid it will cloud her judgment on the field. Maybe dating coworkers just isn't smart. A few minutes The door to Elas room opened. It was Ela obviously.

"Hey Y/N. I know I just said I need some time but, I'm pretty lonely."
She was being weird, but a chance to be with her again is all I need.

"Of course Ela!" I replied happily.

Ela returned into her room and I followed. She sat on her bad. I took a seat next to her. She took out her phone and looked at Instagram. I didn't know she had so many friends. Or an Instagram account...
After some time she placed her phone on the bedside table and looked at me.

"Y/N, Do you love me?" She asked.

"Of course I do!" I replied sincerely.

"What could you do to prove it to me?" She asked cooly.

"Um, we could go out?" I suggested.

"Well I was thinking we ~Stay In~" She suggested.

This girl must be crazy! How can Ela put me out like a dog, treat me like a dog, then just pretend everything is ok? I may have been in the wrong, but does she want anything besides sex?

Ok, I've had enough...

"You know what Ela? I'm done with you." I blurted standing up.

"What do you mean?" She said with a worried tone.

"Ela, I feel like you don't want anything besides intercourse." I was really mad.

"I thought that's what you wanted." She returned innocently.

"No Ela. It's not." I stated bluntly.

"Well that's ok Y/N. We've only been dating for a month. We can fix it." She countered.

"Ela, whos the person in the pictures? Don't bother lying." I asked.

"He...He and I had a relationship." She Explained.

"Ela?" She knew I was unconvinced.

"He was a boyfriend. We mostly just chilled, you know. But I actually care about you." Ela tried.

"What could you do to prove it to me?" I countered using her words against her. Checkmate Bitch!

"I thought I was!" Ela responded.

"I remember how you would tell me for hours about boyfriends and your drama. I know you know how to care for someone." I know she knows.

"Ok Y/N. Fine! I've just been really stressed and you really help me. That doesn't mean I don't care for you. I still love you." She explained.

"I'm sorry Ela...But—

Ooooo cliffhanger. I would say I'm sorry but I know it's like "I don't want to hear no sorry, bitch fuck your apology." It's a rap lyric. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Hit the star!

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora