"Please stop..."

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After you and Ela finish in the shower Ela goes to sleep. You are still thirsty but had plenty to drink ;) So you Head to the vending machine down the hall to get water. Once you were their you grabbed some water and lean against the wall while checking your phone. Then someone rests on the wall with you. Really close... It's Valkyrie leaning toward you.

"Don't speak Y/N. I've been thinking and I think we would go great together! Why don't you feel the same way?"

"I belong to Ela, Meghan. I can't be unfaithful."

"That whore? What does she have that I don't?"

"She's not a whore. She was a virgin until last night. And it's not a competition. I made a commitment to her and I intend on keeping it."
Valkyrie laughed hard.
"She was a virgin? Isn't she 30?"

"Yes Meghan. But I took her virginity so you can go fuck yourself. Cause I'm sure as hell not."
You start to walk away but she forcefully pulls you back to the wall and holds you in place with her body.

"And why not?"

"Get off me Meghan!"

"What are you gonna do? Hit me?"

Ela had come out of her room and saw the commotion so she ran to Valkyrie and peeled her off you.
Then she yelled to Valk;
"Back off Bitch!"

Valkyrie angrily stormed off. and Ela had turned back to you

"Y/N what the fuck was that?"

"Ela, I don't know I'll tell you later, ok?"

"Ok... we have a simulation today. Are you ready Y/N?"


Simulation: House

You, Twitch, Finka, Zofia, Blitz

Ela, Caveira, Tachanka, Valkyrie, Doc

Your team has spawned river docs. You immediately use your gadget. Which is basically a permanent Finka but you lose the benefits once you lose the extra health.
All of you move into Garage with Finka covering the rear.

"Cav just left the garage."

"Thanks Y/N! Now hands for who didn't see that? No one?"

"Ok blitz I understand"

"Do you? I didn't know such a tiny brain could comprehend such little information!"

"Stop being an asshole."

"Aw did I hurt the little baby Y/N's feelings?"

"Blitz... Whatever."

Everyone continues up the stairs with Blitz leading. While escalating side stairs Blitz sees a frost trap and tries to step over it. But his foot landed right onto lesion mine and he falls back into the frost trap. The lesion frost combo ended him.


The team disables the traps and continues up.
Twitch And Finka break off to the Kitchen while you and Zofia move to Main Stairs. Once you two started ascending the stairs:


"What the fuck happened Zofia?"

"I don't know Y/N. Maybe someone fucked their sister"

"What? Never mind. Let's just finish this ok?"

"Yeah, You'd finish quickly wouldn't you?"

"Zofia! Can we not do this now!"

"You seem to do it whenever it's convenient."

You shoot Zofia and it lowers her health. You know she wouldn't shoot back because she's too competitive.

"Ok I'll stop. Unlike you."

You and Zofia move into bathroom and move past the depressed Caveira hopelessly crying about her love life.

"Yep. That's a 2v3"

A very sad 2v3...

It's just Ela, Tachanka, and Valk alive.
Tachanka and Zofia trade headshots and are out.


You find Valk in the corner on her phone looking at the Cameras. She was an easy headshot.


You and Ela.
She was in the closet.
You wanted to rescue the hostage but you decided to pay Ela a visit.
You stealthily crouched over to her.
She was looking at some purple boxes on the shelf.
You aim a gun at her head and tell her to sit down on the wall
You take her weapons and place them at the door.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hi Y/N"

"So how are you doing?"

"Not Great. I just lost."

"It's ok. You will always be a win in my heart Ela."

"Thank you Y/N. But I wanted to with this."

She gave you the puppy dog eyes.
You instantly shoot her.

"What the fuck Y/N?"

"Ela I love you but I love winning more."

Attackers Victory!

"Oh you."

She gets up and hugs you.
You kiss her head and hug her.

Someone gagging loudly could be heard.

"Ew! Could you too get a room?"

"Yes Meghan. I was planning on it."
You pull Ela closer.
Valkyrie cringes.

"That's disgusting. She's just a girl. Don't you want a woman?"

You were about to say something but Ela interrupts you.

"What are you talking about Meghan?"

"I'm not talking to you Ela."

"Now you are."

"Shouldn't you be with your dad little girl? Oh wait he killed himself!"

Ela seemed shocked and started forming tears.
You quickly dismissed Valk and walked off with Ela in your arms.

A/N - Daaaaamn! Valkyrie is fuckin ruthless! Ok I hoped you enjoyed this one. By the way this story is just going to be fucked up from now on so... Enjoy!

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ