The Return

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You got off your plane. You know what, I'm not typing this again.

Lazy Timeskip a few days later

You, Zofia, Ela, and Doc,were in Zofia's room watching Netflix. It was surprising she invited all of you into her room.One moment she was a total bitch and now she's like, Broken? It's hard to explain. She doesn't talk, She has been eating less, she has been in her room mostly.

"Hey, Zo." You asked.

"Yes Y/N?" She replied.

"Can I ask of you a question?"

"You may."

"Why are you being so, Introverted?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I don't know Zofia. You just have been keeping to yourself all week. Just stuck in your room every day."

"I don't think I have."

"Well... ok."

"Well what Y/N?"

"Zo, you have been in your room all week. except for to come out for food."

"So I have, come outside."

"That's not the point Zo. Your not helping yourself. I want to make you feel better."

"You aren't helping yourself either. There are so many other ways you could make me feel better."

Doc was idly so sitting there awkwardly avoiding this conversation and said
"Sorry guys I have to go do some doctor stuff."

Ela was also pretty tired of this conversation and said
"I think I'm feeling pregnant again, I'm gonna go with him."
And they both quickly left.

"Y/N, what did Ela say?"

"I don't know."

"Anyway, can we just watch the movie please?"

"Fine. But don't get touchy."
She blushed at your joke and laughed.
You two watched a comedy. After it was over she turned to you and said;

"I have a joke of my own."

"What is it Zo?"

"Is that a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them."


"It's only a joke Y/N"

"Right. I think I should go."

"Really? This again? After two years you still are going to leave me?"

"Chill out Zo! I'll stay! But I'm not staying over."

"We'll see about that..."



You and her watched movies. Laughing, crying, Feeling the awkward tension when sex scenes came on. It was a great time watching some great movies.

"I must go."

"Why Y/N?"

"I want to go see Ela."

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now