Let's Chill...

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A/N - Hey guys! It's me. This chapter is shorter. This should make up for the longer chapter. Yep I must maintain a level of laziness!

You took Ela back to her room and sat her down on the bed.

"Ela are you ok?"

"Yes Y/N I really am fine. I just didn't expect Valk to go so low."

"Well I could make you feel better."
You begin to kiss her neck but she stops you.

"I'm not in the mood Y/N. I just want to rest."

"Tak mi przykro, Ela! Nie powinienem był tego robić. Możemy odpocząć, jeśli chcesz. Chciałem tylko, żebyś poczuł się lepiej ..."

"Jest w porządku, kochanie. I know you mean well. I'm just tired."

"Ok. Goodnight then."

You and Ela undress and Lay down.

"I love you."
"I love you too Ela"

You cuddle with her. She is warm, and soft, smooth, and just comfortable.
How did you not notice this?
It's like, a warm teddy bear.
Not even that!
It's way softer.
Her skin is nice.
Way more addictive than any drug.
You could sleep with her forever.
That meaning literally and figuratively.

You could hear soft snoring. Ela was already asleep. She's so cute. What did you do to deserve this? Probably take her virginity. It was pure heaven just being around her, let alone holding her in your arms.
This was perfect.

The Next Morning...

When you woke up the intense feeling of pleasure was gone. Ela had left your grasp. Suddenly you had an intense Craving for her body again. But not in that way... You just wanted her in your arms again.
"Am I obsessed?"
You could hear Ela throwing up in the bathroom.
You quickly opened the bathroom door and went to her side. She nodded and threw up in the Toilet again.
"Is this morning sickness? Is Ela Pregnant!?"

Docs Office

"Well the test determines Ela isn't pregnant but you just recently had the intercourse. It's too early to tell for sure. We'd need to wait until at least the third week. But come back then and we will try again."

You and Ela had left the room but doc called after you;
"Y/N could you come back for a moment!"

You turned to Ela and told her. "Meet me at the room. I'll be there in two hours."

You turned back into the office.

"Y/N... How did you get here less than a week ago and get Ela pregnant?"

"You said she wasn't pregnant!"

"Y/N I don't know yet. Did you use protection?"

"No... but I didn't Cum inside of her."

"Well sometimes even just a little bit of sperm is enough to breach the egg. But we can't be sure so just return in three weeks."

"Thanks Doc"

"No problem friend. Just please use protection unless your planning to have a child."

"Yes sir"

"Get out"

You walk out of the Office and go to work out.

A/N - Oh my... that was close! Well let's just wait three weeks I guess?

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang