Wow... (Warning Fucked up shit and Slight lemon)

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You've been looking for Ela for a few minutes.

"This place is like a fucking Maze" you thought.

You could hear distant yelling. The voices sounded familiar, like people you know. You turned the corner to see Valkyrie and Blackbeard screaming at each other. It seemed like a pretty intense argument. Their words were almost deafening. They never really had a good relationship...
Then something unexpected happened...

Blackbeard slapped Valkyrie.

Everything went silent

Valkyrie has tears forming in her eyes

Blackbeard was staring at her but then walked off.
Valkyrie was now sobbing silently in the hallway by herself.
You quickly ran up to her and hugged her.
She was just breaking down in your arms.
You had no words.
There were no words.
What could you say?
It was just her.
Just you.
And an unspeakable event.

"Meghan... I'm so sorry." You apologized.

She was just burying her face In your chest crying.
You sat there for an hour letting her cry.
Ela came around the corner and saw you holding a crying Valkyrie. So she joined you in the hug.
She whispered in your ear over valks crying;
"What happened?"
"Blackbeard slapped her"
Ela upholstered her RG15 and cocked it while walking away somewhere.
"Oh no"


You, Ela, and Valk we're sitting in Ela's room watching Netflix.
"Meghan are you ok? Ela and I want to make sure your fine." You asked.

She didn't respond she was just watching the show.
"Ok... Ela can you step outside with me for a moment?"
You took Ela outside
"I don't think Valk is ok" You confess.

"Neither do I Y/N" she confirms.

"Could you talk to her Ela?" You ask.

"We're not that great of friends" She denied.

" Could you try?" You begged.

"I guess. For you Y/N" She surrenders.

"Thank you. Jeśli zdołasz to zrobić, dam ci kolejną wspaniałą noc." You promised.

"Then I will right now!"

Ela quickly ran into the room while you walk to Blackbeard's room to shoot him if Ela didn't do it already.
Knock Knock. You knocked on Blackbeard's room.
Once he opened the door you gave him all hell.
You opened with 7 punches to the face, and once he's on the floor you kick him in the stomach a few times. Then finish him with a hard punch to the eye.


You and Ela were Netflix and chilling until you got a call on your phone.
"Hello?" You ask.

"Hi Y/N" You Heat Valkyries voice.

"Meghan?" You ask.

"Yep it's me. I heard what you did to Craig and I really appreciate what you did to that asshole." She explained.

"He deserves it Meghan. I was glad I could" You said.

"I have something for you... could you stop by my room?" She requested by you.

"Sure Meghan. As long as your ok" You console her.

She hangs up.

"Ela I have to go to Meghan's room. She's giving me something." You give Ela the heads up.

"What is it Y/N?" She curiously asks.

"I don't know. And that reward I promised you earlier for helping Valk I will give you once I get back." You excuse yourself.

"Please hurry then!" She exclaims.

You walk out of the room and walk to Valks.
Knock knock.

"Hey Meghan! What is it you wanted to give me?"

She wasn't answering. The door was unlocked. So you thought; What if she's in trouble? You opened it and entered closing the door behind you.
The room was dark. But you could barely see.
Suddenly someone behind you pushed you onto the bed and jumped on you.
You felt up the person. They weren't wearing any clothes but once you felt their hair you could tell who it was...

"Meghan?" You try to conclude.

"Shhh" She silences you.

She reached down your pants and started stroking your cock.
You quickly stopped her.

"Meghan stop!" You interrupt.

"What? You don't want this?" She asks you confused.
"No! Meghan get off me!" You try to dismiss her.

"Why?" She asks sarcastically.

She reached back down and started stroking again.
"Meghan! Get off!"

You pushed her off of you.
Tears started forming in her eyes again and she collapsed into your arms. Again...

"Meghan you need to grow up!"

"Y/N... I'm sorry."

"It's ok Meghan you don't know what to feel."
"No Y/N. I do. I love you. You've always been there for me."

Operation Dust Devil
Iraq, Camp,

You and Valk were sharing barracks. She had recently lost a boyfriend.
11:57 PM
Meghan was tossing and turning.
"Meghan are you ok?"

"Yes Y/N I just... No I'm not ok. He's gone."
You walk over to her bed.

"I'm here. It's ok,"

You held her hand and noticed something .
"Meghan... have you been cutting yourself!? You can't do this! It's ok!"
You hug her and she says;
"He's gone."
"It's ok..."
she looks you in your eyes.
Then she kisses you. She really kisses you. With her tongue. After awhile and some things, You and Val had fucked. You always felt wrong about it. She assured you that you were just helping her take her mind off of it. But it just felt wrong. Her boyfriend died and you fucked her... it always effected you.
Flashback over

You return to Ela's room.
"Hey Y/N. What did she give you?"
"A thank you"
"That's nice. Now the reward?"
Both of you quickly got undressed and hopped in the shower. You can assume what happened.

Wow...Did I write this shit? I now know why people stoped reading! Please, Just make it through Dust Devil and I promise! It gets better!

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now